What Climate Crisis?

When all factors are taken into account, on average, sports horses contribute 5900kg of co2 emmissions, cattle about 5600kg.

cool, happy enough to ban horseracing too

how many sports horses in the world?

Air Travel - Important for tourism but fuck the climate.

Beef / Cows - Source of protein & meat
Bad for climate so let’s cull them.

What with drier, wetter & windier summers forecast added to those wet & windy winters we really should to try and harness the power of all that excess water around the Shannon.

Hydropower on the Shannon perhaps?

nobody wants to cull cows but they are destructive to the planet & a terrible waste of land but yes, air travel should be reduced too

private jets should be banned and tax breaks on fuel should be scrapped too


The real pollution is glaring us in the Skies

How do we get rid of the cows without culling them?

are you talking about how we cull them daily for expensive food?

are are you talking about reducing the herd from the current 7.5 million? reduce the number of cows being born

Some bit of marketing that…lads just keep repeating it like it means something, and the phrase only dreamt up a fortnight ago.

In north America?!

Mitloehner is a strong opponent of the anti-meat lobby. AFAIK he argues that because methane is short lived it is not as potent as other GH gases. While not arguing that bovine belchers cause some global warming he says that carbon from grass which is emitted as methane is converted to CO2 and absorbed back into grass and the cycle continues. In other words it is a self sustaining circular model which, presented scientifically, lets cows off the hook to a certain extent.

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Don’t let science get in the way of activism.

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Perfectly normal.

"Climate scientists have been left “flabbergasted” as temperatures in parts of South America near 40 degrees Celsius in the middle of what is supposed to be its winter.

Data from Chile’s national meteorological agency, Dirección Meteorológica de Chile, shows several weather stations in the country reached temperatures above 35C on August 1.

This is between 10C and 20C above what is normal for this time of year in parts of Chile and Argentina, according to data from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)."

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Sounds trustworthy.

The findings were quickly attacked by Frank Mitloehner, the head of an agricultural research center at the University of California, Davis, and a prominent critic of the journal’s research.

The report’s authors were spreading a “radical anti-meat agenda,” Dr. Mitloehner wrote on Twitter, where he led a backlash under the hashtag, #yes2meat. “Their so-called planetary diet is a quasi-vegan diet,” he said, calling the findings “anti-livestock.”

According to internal University of California documents reviewed by The New York Times, Dr. Mitloehner’s academic group, the Clear Center at UC Davis, receives almost all its funding from industry donations and coordinates with a major livestock lobby group on messaging campaigns.

The documents show that the center, which has become a leading institution in the field of agriculture and climate, was set up in 2019 with a $2.9 million gift to be paid out over several years from the Institute for Feed Education and Research, or IFeeder, the nonprofit arm of the American Feed Industry Association, a livestock industry group that represents major agricultural companies like Cargill and Tyson.

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Absolutely frightening

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Be grand

El Niño, innit.

Them flat earth people could be onto summit


It’s time for the headbangers to start awarding their own Nobel prizes, names on a postcard please,
They only trust scientists/doctors etc that have been discredited by the rest of their peers :grinning:

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