What Climate Crisis?

You could start by stopping your support of the horse racing industry.


You simply don’t know that.

Stud Farms throughout the country buying up excess lands and ripping every ditch, hedge & tree out of the ground.

The biggest horsey supporter on the forum lecturing lads on climate change then :joy:

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Don’t be worrying mate. Everything is a crisis with these lads.

Anyway sure we could much easier have a nuclear apocalypse or an asteroid strike.

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6 lives saved

Cattle are the No. 1 agricultural source of greenhouse gases worldwide. Each year, a single cow will belch about 220 pounds of methane. Methane from cattle is shorter lived than carbon dioxide but 28 times more potent in warming the atmosphere, said Mitloehner, a professor and air quality specialist in the Department of Animal Science.


stone age = the numbers of cows we had in 2010

Climate quote of the day:

“We have fewer than 50 days to save the planet from catastrophe”

Gordon Browne - 2009


The next fortnight is crucial

Would a €9 meal help??

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In the 1500s there were between 30 and 60 million bison roaming around North America. They must have done terrible damage to the climate. Good job @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy 's mates killed them all a few hundred years later.

We’re lucky they killed all the bison and replaced them with massive factories

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a billion cows is more than 30 million bison mate

I’ll vote for Eamon (or whoever he runs in this constituency next) if he’ll kill the cows himself. Look them in the eyes and kill them.

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There was a lady on the lunchtime news wanting something done by “the authorities” about the flooding on the Shannon that was wiping out the fodder crops for the cattle.


head down to the local abattoir mate

All that can safe us now is chickens in choppers
