What Climate Crisis?

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy there is uproar in the midlands over a large number of wind turbines due to be erected. Which side of this debate should I land?

why is there uproar, whats the argument against them?

Residents are concerned about the environmental dangers inherent with Wind Turbines.

what environmental damage?

isnt the midlands riddled with motorways?

arent farms polluting the waterways?

sounds like nimbyism?

has a quick google

nO cONSULTATION is the only issue thats mentioned here

Thats February, I believe its kicked up this past week another notch with the announcement of the sheer scale of the development.

im led to believe the higher they are, the less environmental damage as they design them to be higher than the birds flight paths

why dont you guys want cheaper electricity

I want my rural idyll with broadband and electricity brought in underground.

Probably because it won’t be any cheaper.

Its cheaper

So you’re saying there is environmental damage…:face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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The swan choppers are harmless to nature.

Yes, but nothing compared to farming

Not sure that is evidenced in the prices being charged to customers.

What happened in Hawaii is an example to the world heated before it’ll be grand crew how different things will be this time around.

These natural disasters may have happened before but the difference now is the infrastructure humans have built all over the world.

There isn’t much of an alternative to intrastructure in fairness.

Possibly not but the standard probably leaves a lot to be desired in certain parts of the world.

Be grand

Did they take down those illegally erected ones in Galway yet??

The ones erected by the State at huge environmental cost, that were supposed to save the environment. Now standing idle on a landscape that has made it’s recovery from the impact, waiting to be dismantled at a further environmental cost and scarring impact to the landscape. But it’s the State and they know best.
You try cutting your hedgerows at the wrong time of year…

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Yes, shows why we need the Greens in there now ,people with a passion fpr saving the planet rather than FFG ticking the boxes.

Btw, is this @mountleinster doing this? Poisoning our natural resources?