What Climate Crisis?

The Greens inaction in retaining valuable infrastructure doesn’t support your angle bud. Weak argument and passing the book.
I understand the judgements etc but ER should have gone into the phonebox and come out with the green cape on this. It doesn’t add up.

Check out air quality results for me will you?
Assess the success rate of air quality improvements since Oct '22 when the new air quality regulations and smoky coal ban came into play. Check then what enforcement has been put in place on the ground to ensure the regulations of Oct '22 are adhered to.
I can tell you for facts, air quality has gotten worse and the enforcement of the regulations are zero.
The Greens are all huff, no puff.

Could ypu be mpre speicfic please?

The greens are delivering enough renewables to charge 3 million homes by 2027 as well kicking off Irelands solar revolution, what other parry has done anything close to this, in transport, dart north, south, sw and the metro area all happening, its actually amazing when you think aboutt it

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If muldoons are happy poisoning their children you need to have a hard long look at yourselves and your neighbours mate

Recent EPA report attributed 1300 deaths per annum to poor air quality.
The Greens jumped on this as supporting arguments to changes in the Air Quality regulations Oct '22.
Whole hosts of regulations and restrictions brought in. But no enforcement in place to make the regulations work. Latest EPA report on air quality says its falied miserably.

You are not addressing what I am pointing out mate.
You’re name calling.

Everyone breaths air. There’s no way to treat it.
There’s no one in this country drinking water that’s not treated for consumption.

There are a lot more things to ban along with smoky coal mate

Cars affect air quality too mate, agree with you that ICE should be banned as well as smoky coal.

Didnt the Greens have to pull back on their wish regarding the burning of turf to appease all the other parties. Im with you on banning that too as well as smoky coal

What I am trying to tell you is…and don’t blur the situation mentioning turf…turf = muldoon in your parlance.

The Greens banned smoky coal. But smoky coal is being burnt widely and illegally across the 26 counties. It is brought in from Northern Ireland in various ways. But the government are not enforcing this ban in any way shape or form.

Why ?

Take it up with the gardai and the EPA.

If people are bringing in coal illegally they are to blame not the party that has banned it but in general i agree wtih you that more pollutants should be banned

:grinning: I know where that will get me. You just passed the book like they have. Just say you can’t answer the question. But your blind faith is admirable.
Thank you

Wind farms in the midlands aren’t the answer lads. We need nuclear stations in Cork

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Not sure nuclear power stations and flooding is a great mix.

I’m willing to risk Cork

The greens buy electric buses that can’t be charged. Fucking idiots

I dont think the Greens buy buses mate

The irish farmers produce food that is destroying our rivers and killing the planet, idiots

Ye not in government then?? Fucking idiots

Why do you pollute our waters

You can prove that , can you??

Me personally or the EPA?

No you’ve accused me . Can YOU prove your accusation or are you spouting shite again.