What Climate Crisis?


You right wing bastard!!!

the first step on the road to being outside a hotel screaming about military aged men



Lettuce head loves the high life.


Maybe if you listened to him and not the IFA you wouldnt be facing ruin following the EU telling you to cull the herd

I have my milkshakes ruined by paper straws and Eamon get to nap while flying business class. So much for saving the environment

Eamon is changing public transport for the better and by 2027 renewables will be poweringg a million houses. The climate act he introduced stopped a fossil fuel terminal being built.

What have you done mate

Guve us back plastic straws pal

He is also growing lettuce in window boxes, painting the back of his house with paint he got in the local hardware shop and most importantly is planning to re-introduce wolves in the midlands. I for one can say I think the initiative with the wolves is a cracking idea and should see biff cunts everywhere trembling in their boots…the cunts…

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Kill the cows and build more data centers.

Amazon secure planning permission for three data centres in Dublin despite emission concerns

I thought that they werent approving any new data centres?

One of these is near enough to the swamp that @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy lurks in.

This predates the current Government

The government that are in power for over 3 years?

The same government who had the LNG plant stopped despite planning in for years?

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I think An Bord Pleanala stopped the LNG plant. They may well do the same with the data centres.


ok, the Government didnt stop it, it was contrary to the Climate Act which the Government introduced. ABP may also stop this if it goes against the Climate act. This is the genius of Eamon, when the Greens get kicked out, this will still be in place & will stop these things from being built. Not bad for a lettuce eating snoozer eh.