What Climate Crisis?

This is more genius-calibre stuff from Eamon


Bord na Monas last full peat harvest took place in 2018, this is on FG mate

Eamon can’t direct a change in policy now? Maybe transporting woodchip onto lorries from the Amazon, then onto a tanker across the atlantic ocean, then back onto lorries and across this country is less harmful to the environment after all :man_shrugging:

ok, im guessing you just read the headline & the ramblings of the right wing TD rather than being knowledgeable in the subject?

i dont know what the short term plan is for Edenderry & what affect harvesting peat on an industrial level for a couple of years has, could you elaborate

Do you know if picking the peat out of the ground beside the power station and using that is less harmful than transporting the woodchip halfway around the world?


do you know if industrial level peat extraction is worse than a shipping container of woodchip?

More obfuscation and deflection. For all his faults, at least @padjo will give a straight answer.

Why do people on here keep tagging @padjo on the climate crisis?

He only ever posts on the Wexford GAA and Taylor Swift threads…

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exactly, for me he (@padjo)symbolizes the head in the sand, keep on doing what we always have been doing attitude of the general populace, regardless of the catastrophic affects this attitude has caused, so I tag him to let him know he needs to repent

Thanks for the clarification.

Your next job is to sort out those new data centres…

Nailed it 100% - The only observation you’ve been correct with on this thread - but it’s nothing related to climate change

Eamon is putting up savage air miles lately

Yep, lots of meetings and targets to be achieved.

Concierge Tier?


He’s two flights away from having enough air-miles to go to Australia free

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Is there a climate crisis conferencd there

He’ll fly anywhere for one anyway

I won’t be facing any ruin, mate.

Wood chip from Brazil, mate.
A ship so big a hymac has to be lowered into the hold to break it up so the claw can lift it onto the dock.
2 industrial loaders and 10 trucks to stockpile it on a storage space outside the port .
Over 4000 truckloads to transport 1 shipload to edenderry.
And it hasn’t and won’t be the last load.

Knowledgeable enough for you??

What were FG at mate?