What Climate Crisis?

Nothing to do with them mate.

What wodders doing with files mate?

He’ll find out about the climate crisis here fairly sharpish.

Lettuce head.

Also lettuce head

Rules for thee and not for me

Hey There, your assumption here is that he incorrect in his assumption that free public transport is a bad idea, well wait, what if i presented some arguments that showed he was correct?

free fares would not substantially boost the sustainability of the transport system, primarily because passenger demand is much more sensitive to levels of service provision than it is to pricing

money spent on making up for lost fare revenue would have a greater impact if spent improving services and their frequency.

Surveys of Irish car users suggest that price is not a major determinant in their decision not to use public transport,

This aligns with international evidence, which suggests that public transport demand is much more sensitive to the levels of public transport service provision than it is to pricing

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No point in penalising people for having cars if we cant penalise them for not having cars.
We must take measures, immediately…against people for their own good

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Not much point in complaining about unnecessary trips when he turns a blind eye to his colleagues waste

Rules for thee and not for me

Nothing like an early morning flight😀

Legging it sfter getting smoked in Clondalkin?

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No darling, I’ll be back soon.
Fool Back To Work GIF

i can confirm that i did not face a rise in my premium this year

any TFK EV drivers face a hike?

You insure the cargo bike?

of course

I suppose with every little thing on them being crazy expensive to replace you can understand the quotes being higher

Decrease for me

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More work for them. I suspect they are looking for a pay increase

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Sure most of those bush fires are started by firefighters

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