What Climate Crisis?

Not any more. I cut down your trees



COP28 - You have to admire the cute hoorism of the Arabs.

Host a climate change conference.

Invite world leaders.

Peddle them cheap oil and gas.


There’s nobody there who gives a blind fuck about the climate. And they’re all ating massive steak dinners.

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Eating steak is less harmful to the planet than, eh say something like lettuce.

Horsing out cheap fossil fuel to third world countries. The sooner we are off their teeth of oil and gas the better


Reusable coffee cups aka cups are the latest thing @maurice_brown @MountLeinster and that lot are against

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Bizzare stance, reusable cups are great, my only issue is im a forgetful cunt who washes it and goes away with it at home. Only to buy a new one. Rinse and repeat

Yes but we cant rely on these eco warriors to wash themselves nevermind a cup


I always go for dishwasher safe cups


At a loose end today? :rofl:

You’re wise beyond your years.

We’re trying to save the planet. Im not a hero, but i try to be

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Ffs Gary, Ian Plimer? The geologist? Board member for numerous mining companies? Widely considered a complete moron, he’s Gina Rinehart’s handy fool. Try harder mate.

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Play the ball, not the man. Is he wrong?

Every word he speaks and writes is a lie.

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