What Climate Crisis?

The man that works for an oil company in australia denying climate change just as it hits 43 degrees in sydney isnt the gotcha you think


Recorded at s6dney airport…the big new artificial metal, glass and concrete thing that traps air and heat? Helluva place to take a temperature reading


It was 43 degrees in my garden on Saturday.


When did you move into Sydney Airport Terminal mate?

I’m sure once you exit the airport it’s a nice temperate 30 degrees

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Taking temperature readings in towns, cities and airports is a pure hoax. What was the temperature in your garden a century ago?

Grand so lads, if you cant back up todays temperature reading with one from the exact same spot taken with the same instrument 100 years ago, can you please not block up the thread?



:grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

@myboyblue seems to struggle with …ideas


It wasn’t fucking 43 degrees.

Maybe they should have thrown up a fence, some shrubs and made it into a little sun trap amidst a few actes of tiles, concrete and other fences, houses etc. Probably would have gained a few °

Can I draw your attention to the ‘siting’ section of the below?

Oh right. You think the airport thermometer, sitting in a big airport shimmering in the heat, can discern between different heat sources?
Honestly…you lads…

You’ll enjoy this. It came up in a search.
I’ve no idea of it’s scientific worth.

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So it turns out @glenshane was right all along.
As usual.

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I can’t understand why they’d go to such trouble.
Why don’t they just lie? :smile: :smile: :smile:

Spend spend spend

I don’t know if clearing the vegetation and ploughing around a weather station would cause the readings to be higher. But that’s what they have done in Bourke Australia.

They’ve also moved it from the back of the Post Office in the centre of town to the end of the runway at the airport.

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42 degrees today incidentally.