What Climate Crisis?

You must be clane foundered

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Someone tell Greta


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I think she is well aware that we are getting extremes mate


Is there a snowflake signal in the sky over Fingal?

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Extreme cold is a sure sign of global warming


Trouble is everything is a sure fire sign of climate change!


Climate change

Yes , record after record being broken are a sign alright

Could you/her to explain how and why?

But its not a record, is it?

Eh yes it is? Or this a tfk pisstake?

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Where? In reverso world??

And it’s still not as extremely cold as it was in the 90s, the 80s, the 70s, the 50s, the 40s, etc etc…

A whole hape of cows got together, farted and made the weather the hottest ever AND the coldest ever.

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@iron_mike how do you work the meme machine?

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farts GIF

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It’s always the same with you

Yeah well , you were asking how cows farted