What Climate Crisis?

those chumps in Midleton were flooded out of their homes last year, yet voted for parties weak on climate change in the recent elections

hard to understand

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Just shows you what a terrible job the “green” parties have done on getting their message across.

Climate change shouldn’t have been politicised

In your opinion how was it politicised?

in the last election, the parties & independents that are saying dishonestly to the electorate that we dont need to change to fight climate change got elected

they weren’t being honest

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You might throw up something there to support that mate. FF/FG cleaned up in last election. Don’t recall them saying no change required, in fact they have bent over backways to accommodate Green policy.

Any how nothing to do with the question I asked @BruidheanChaorthainn

That’s unbelievable

They suggest :joy:

Cuffe? Lost his seat. Maybe he should look inwardly and ask why.

FF/FG voted thru the nature restoration law mate.

Cyclones in the 80s & 90s vs 2020s



storm energy levels

1973 47.9
1974 68.4
1975 76.1
1976 84.2
1977 25.3
1978 63.2
1979 92.9
1980 148.9
1981 100.3
1982 31.5
1983 17.4
1984 84.3
1985 88
1986 35.8
1987 34.4

2020 179.8
2021 145.7
2022 95.1
2023 145.6

Sure everything is a cyclone now

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The world is 6 billion years old and this dolt is throwing up data for 40 years.

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Droughts - booo
Heavy Rain - booo

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He’s searching for Goldilocks weather.

Why do you hate your children

The carbon footprint of all those trucks of merchandise was a source of amusement to you three days ago.

Do better.


Whats the story with cloud cover for the last 12 months. No idea what the sun looks like

Interesting, seen as Eamon the moron has spent the bones of the last five years in government with FG.

Will you settle down. If we went back to living in caves with no cars or electricity, it wouldn’t matter a bollocks. We are completely inconsequential. And those countries who do pollute seriously have no interest in listening. We should suffer for them.

Yes, its easier to get things done in Government than on the sidelines

Hence all our wins