What Climate Crisis?

We pollute more than most mate

Fuck all wins that I’ve seen.

And if we stopped, it would make the square root of fuck all difference.

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If Ireland sank into the sea tomorrow nothing would change for the climate.

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If all small countries took that attitude then the world is fucked

Unlike you though i love my family so ill keep advocating

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Advocating to make no difference whatsoever. Sure whatever floats your boat.

Looks like most of Limerick and cork will be driving to Dublin on Sunday

@padjo , am i right in interpreting the below that @Massive_Attack accepts their is climate change but he doesn’t think we should change to help future generations?

while @maurice_brown @ @maroonandwhite are just climate change deniers

Hard to believe weather happened in the 50’s too….

Dunno where you got that take of me from mate.
But besides Cuffe whinging you haven’t supported your earlier claim of ‘‘other parties’’ lying to the electorate.

I believe that the climate has always changed. Always…long before mankind. I also think Ireland is inconsequential in the scheme of things. The two can be true.

But returning cans and tethering bottlecaps will sort the problem out for sure. If not, more tax will definitely solve it.

More fucking weather decades ago……

January 1839

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The Great Flood 2350 BC

Sure we’re still in an Ice Age fellas.

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We need to stop caring about humans because we’re completely inconsequential. I mean who cares about that tiddling Holocaust, sure there was still billions more people alive, who cares about six million. End human rights. End caring about other humans. Let’s just burn the place and get it over with. Sure we’ll all die anyway.

“I can litter all i want because other people do illegal dumping”

Thats the argument from the awkward squad


Depends what part of Dublin you’re in.

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