To stop a global temperature increase of more than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the level of ambition needs to be tripled. And to limit the increase to 1.5 degrees, it needs to be multiplied by five.
I’ll give you a clue
It’s the guy you’ve spent the last 10 hours scouring the internet for
The exact same guy you’re quoting is, to use your own term, a “climate alarmist”
You still don’t get it. White people, and specifically white men, are responsible for all the evil in the world. The Industrial revolution was the greatest evil, along with capitalism, without those two mankind would be living in blissful utopia.
When the crackers have been eliminated and the planet run by China, order will be restored and happiness will prevail.
I’m not a numbers and facts man like @Sidney. Looking forward to hearing the stats on China and India’s CO2 emissions and how Greta got on with the Climate ‘strike’ in China. Straight forward enough really.
All that’s needed really is for the roughly 600 million “woke” 16-25 year olds in China to take to the streets and demand more aggressive action from their government. I’m pretty sure they would get it.
Who’s funding this one, why isn’t she in school? Why are people allowed to exploit a child for their agenda. A protest in China is a waste of time. And its dangerous
@anon7035031 triggered into his usual paranoid white supremacist rhetoric
He’s the forum’s Justin Barrett
While @Enrique obviously thinks its fine to call a 16 year old girl a Nazi, given he was completely silent about the vile tweet from one of his favourites
I keep being proved entirely correct about these dirty, vile creeps
Greta has them triggered to within an millimetre of their lives
You’re a weirdo man. Absolutely nothing special about you. Everyone on here talks a certain amount of crap now and again, but you take the fucking biscuit.
During my time in the tfk Asian office, I was bringing a couple of mates around Tiananmen square. The square itself is a shithole and it now has so many anti protest barriers that it’s an incredible pain in the hole to traverse. We were outside the kfc at the sw corner when we heard some shouting. Looking up, we saw a dude standing in the window frame a few floors up shouting and throwing leaflets down at the crowded streets. I grabbed a leaflet and jammed it in my pocket because within about 30seconds there were policeeverywhere, collecting leaflets off the ground, ripping the leaflets out of people’s hands and filming everyone nearby. All the regular Beijingers hurried away, faces covered for fear of being filmed. Within about another minute there were a load of guards grabbing your man in out of the window, ready to drag him off to some gulag. About 30 seconds later. It was all over with no evidence whatsoever of anything ever happening.