What Climate Crisis?

so how’s this going to be funded?

Take money away from health, welfare or a subsidiary tax? I think people are taxed enough in the pound as things stand already.


Most of it would have been for the old REPS schemes for farmers or AEOS. There have been a few different schemes. Glas was another one. Marginal land that would have no use to farmers was the purpose of the scheme and a lot of them would have planted some form of hedging like whitethorn and beech hedging especially copper beach was a popular choice. Farmers would also then buy hardwoods as well. But to answer your question there would be no felling. The planting of these trees are subject to inspection and if strict planting guidelines and paperwork are not adhered to there is no release of the funds.

Is that not more to do with food supply?

We could stop subsidising aviation maybe. Why do we pay people to fly?

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it facilitates business growth. We’re an island. We have to get people onto and off of it.

They have to get to Parkhead some way

A pound of what?


If you want to debate, debate.

If you want to be a dick, get fucked

It is til its being run round as a three driver badly serviced hackney in five or six years.

Can someone with the facts do up a sustianable daily vegan meal plan with a sufficient level of protein for the average sedantry lifestyle.

Can you please include full life cycle carbon calculations for each meal (including transport etc).

And finally can you do a compare of the above diet to a typical muldoon meal plan of locally produced spuds, meat and veg.

I might engage with the discussion then.


Not according to the Greens and the climate alarmists. They want everyone taxed to the hilt with carbon tax. It’s all bluster though, when it comes to it, nobody wants to pay more tax including the climate alarmists and there isn’t a politician in the world that would last an hour in office if carbon tax was raised to the levels thats been advocated

Vegans atin veg produced with cow shite :smile:

There should be a fat tax. Obesity is leading cause of health issues and they are eating more so causing more environmental damage.

How would that work? Extension of the Sugar tax?

Those not on Huel 3.0 should be taxed more


I’m a visionary. I’m not here to get into the weeds on this.

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So unworkable ramblings. Gotcha.

The money we pay for people to fly from Dublin to Donegal doesn’t get people onto the island.

Anyway your argument that funding any green initiatives has to come from the health or welfare budgets is not really supported by the plans of anyone who does want to invest in green initiatives. You’re just picking unrelated spending and assuming it will be impacted because it suits your narrative.

Put a figure on how much you’ll accept to be missing from your wages every month to fund investment to stop “climate change” or enough investment in renewables to make electric vehicles worthwhile in Ireland ?