What Climate Crisis?


This really is our last chance to save humanity. Colm says so. He’s on his way to Glasgow to sort it out so he is.

It’s one minute to midnight, another virtue signaling wankstain, face nappy and all to show how woke he is


At least Xi and Putin, while the #1 and #2 polluters on the planet, did a small bit for the planet by staying away from this wankfest.


Is it too late for nuclear ?

If we start now we’ll have a nuclear station in ten years.

Ten years is no time. It’s only ten years ago the Greens told us diesel cars were the green option.


No sense in taking out an entire city

Jeff Benzos and that Greta Thurberg is there, some collection of wankers

Was having this in Glasgow in November an attempt to show world leaders how bad things could get ?


I notice that CNN wouldn’t even use Glasgow as their backdrop.


explained well here

Dunphy_Official on Twitter: “Ep 1249: Cop26 - The Last Best Chance To Find Consensus On A Climate Solution. Journalist John Gibbons @think_or_swim talks to Eamon about the climate challenges facing this week’s #Cop26 #ClimateChange https://t.co/SEMXvIsA7W The Stand is proudly sponsored by @TescoIrl https://t.co/ExXubUo2ZC” / Twitter

Could they not have done this fucking thing on Zoom and shown a bit of leadership?

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That’s an interview with a campaigning journalist.

What qualifications does he have in nuclear energy ?

he got feedback from experts in the field

although slightly odd that you asked me for guidance on nuclear energy but wont accept his answer

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What will we do in the meantime? Better late than pregnant sham

I don’t like to see you fall into the heuristic of Confirmation bias.

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renewables are here and ready to go

What happens when there is no wind or sun? We need a baseline to make up the difference in fluctuations. The maximum capacity of wind in the Irish grid is 70%. The gap is currently made up with gas. So how do replace gas? With what renewable? I see nuclear bridging this. And if that isn’t operational by 2035 than that’s the point we get out of gas

Ah. The ultimate ecofacist.

we can import renewable energy from abroad or nuclear energy from abroad

bro, if you are a muldoon farmer, retrain