What's The Current Best Thread on TFK?

  • The Sandwich Thread
  • The GAA Spot Thread
  • Both of the above are equally top quality threads
  • I’m a dullard that’s trying to be a city slicker and am picking none of the above
0 voters

Jesus lad

Great thread!

Add it to the poll!

Copperpipes hungarian gambling has been returning a steady 45% profit for the last few years. I don’t see how it isn’t in the running

I believe the soiling yourself thread is the best thread yet its not an option

Not a limerick man, but the Limerick GAA thread is the best of the GAA ones.

Aul Birds you can Shag and the Homegrown Talents threads are best of the rest

It’s not aul birds you ‘CAN’ shag mate. :flushed:
Most of those lads would run a mile from a woman :man_shrugging:

Auld birds you MUST shag would be a great thread

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Would sound a bit rapey to be honest

Most lads here wouldn’t be able to get it up for the Lovely Ladies let alone the aul wans

The ‘Unpopular Opinion’ thread was a great addition.


Lads are listing out ICONIC Hall of Famer threads. I suppose I was thinking more about best threads at the moment, especially ones that have emerged in the past year or so.

The Celeb Spotting used to be a great thread back in the day.Its pure shite now.

The lookalike thread is a good one for an oul chuckle…for the comments alone.

The RNLI thread where the two lads snipe at each other every six months.