Whatsapp as gaeilge, ‘Big Gaeilge’

Tim watching video …good
Juhniallio watching video …bad
Got it

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There’s a big difference between the State funding minority Protestant schools post Independence and the phenomenon of Gaelscoils.

I already posted the impact in Ballymun.

It was a quick observation made. Significantly less diverse than the regular school system. This is backed up by the data.

You’ll find the odd example though of course.

Head in the sand.

You did mate. And its horseshit. But sure you’re the fella who thinks 130grand is a drop in the ocean in a school’s sports funding.

A lot of professional families have been forced to live in Portobello, Dublin 8.


There’s three black kids in all of my kids Gaelscoil class. Very welcome, integrated into the community and are as Irish and diverse as you can get!
I’d make a case that Gaelscoilleana should be the only show in town when it comes to govt funding or certainly should get preferential treatment at very least.


Nice try mate.

Flailing again here looking for irrelevant comparisons. Please stay on topic.

You’ve never been able to defend the central fact that Gaelscoils are mono cultural and their growth is not a good thing in an increasingly diverse society.

I have no issue with people suggesting all schools should be bilingual.

It’s actually terrifying what’s going on. I’ve discovered a partner in a big law firm is even living in Dublin 5 (Five).

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Under duress, but walking distance to Las tapas de lola softens the blow.

I see they are out in force again. Calling anyone who objects to it being compulsory for the Leaving Cert names.

All to protect their cottage industry.

Thatched cottage industry.

More like awful slate. Designed by the home owner in a vulgar style with long boring corridors complete with a kitchen island that can be enjoyed when the Dublin students are at home for the winter. Undrained septic tanks and horrible inefficient heating. Children becoming fatter as they have to be driven everywhere. All funded through the myth of sustaining our “culture”.

That’ll sting at a few fellas on here.

Is it not very authoritarian to deny people the right to live on their own property/land? Genuine question

I’ve always wondered how constitutional it is to only give planning permission in certain counties to “locals”.

I’ve not wondered enough to launch proceedings against the State/relevant local authorities.

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Eh, you’re American.

Why don’t you toddle off home if you’ve an issue with our culture.

Sure you’ve 8 whatsapps to be running for your voluntary community work and a pilates session every second day. Where would you find the time for a people centred constitutional challenge?

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