Whatsapp as gaeilge, ‘Big Gaeilge’

Ah lads you’d be morto. :joy: Could easily happen

Which forum member has already rang Denise?

M2M events sounds like an odd name for an underage gaa whatsapp group

Liam O’Carroll would be a great ally to have I’d say . He’d have your back no matter how bad things got.



Liam gets a mention here.


Nothing to do with the original story I’d say. Someone just through it in to add a bit of colour


What’s going on with Jeffrey Donaldson? My dup sources (source) are even more tight lipped than usual

Won’t play.

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The state of this chap.

It’s like he was thrown out an outfit from @Appendage’s wardrobe.


Athenry U6 Group :heart_eyes::rofl::rofl:

Your going to have to give us a bit more info.

Ragget group


Need to send you a video to throw up, it’s too full of filth to transfer over from my phone

Cc @gilgamboa

I believe it was actually a large south side club in Dublin :speak_no_evil:

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surprised that @Copper_pipe hasnt sourced the vid for us :smiley:

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He’s too busy standing on top of phone boxes in Killarney

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He has it alright, probably busy washing all his socks. :grin:

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No streaming platfrom will allow that video on it :crazy_face:

I’ll have to create a Telegram Channel for the videos that are too big to host here / would get @Rocko in trouble if I posted here.