Whatsapp as gaeilge, ‘Big Gaeilge’

Fuck that’s grim. On the plus side the police are out waving people through checkpoints to keep everyone safe

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Crime coming to my side of the docks :grimacing:

Not one of them wearing a mask, what’s the world coming to?

Ah here, leave it out, leave it out wud ya!

No. Humans. Involved.

And they’re better off

a little late for leo


Signal is where it’s at.


it certainly is

Virtue ones

An awful waste of a fiver

He trash it or his fiver buy dressed scrap?

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Ah the poor hoor. I hope he’s ok.


Easy come, easy go. The £2k will go a long way to fixing the wall.

Lucky cunt that it was night time. It could easily have happened during the day with a few kids kicking a ball around in the garden.

Just about,he might have spent it on the VRT though

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He’s very lucky if that crash killed no one.

3 people in the car at the time apparently.