Whatsapp as gaeilge, ‘Big Gaeilge’

Ah now. She can do less harm as a junior minister than she could do being entrusted with peoples’ education.

This is a nonsense post. Irish is not taught well in Ireland. Identifying Irish language advocates as the culprits and beneficiaries of this is nonsensical.

youd be surprised

Any real Irishman speaks Irish. It drives the Muldoons mad that All Ireland winning players from Dublin can speak as Gaeilge when their own can’t.


did you bang your head this morning or something?

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Your comment made no sense. How would going back teaching help his concern?

It is compulsory all the way through school which is a scandal and it’s an even bigger scandal how few people can actually speak when they come out of school at 18 or 19. It’s a massive waste of resources to make children leaf through tripe like Peig or Toraoicht Diarmada agus Grainne because of the whim of a handful of Gaeilge “enthusiasts”. In German the mandatory text was a thriller called Der Verdacht about a journalist chasing a Nazi war criminal who operated out of Stutthof concentration camp. A relevant book at the time that I can still recite parts of.


You liked your German teacher we heard you the first time.

The book that was chosen for the Leaving Cert had nothing to do with the teacher.

They teach enough of the language that they can make these kinds of “hilarious” ads. The general public then think they have a cultural connection to it whilst the same few get the Irish language jobs every generation.

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Here come the boomer cunts bitching about Peig.

Wrong wrong wrong. And lazy.
Peig is not on any Irish course and hasn’t been for years.
Toraìocht is optional and is a fine example of an old Irish story, so a great example of Irish culture.
More people leaving school now speak better Irish than they did 20 years ago. There is one simple reason. The Irish Oral is now worth 40%. I’d argue it should be worth a lot more and the literature should be a separate subject of its own for enthusiasts.
People forget their gaeilge pretty quick though as there are fewer exciting opportunities to use it after school and they really need to be sought out. There are some piss up groups on Facebook who meet to drink in Irish and a few sports teams like Na Gael Òga but this is where we need to do work if we want people to speak more Irish.


Is Dúnmharu ar an Dart still being taught?

Irish being compulsory contributes to how badly it is taught in secondary school. Because it is compulsory any owl cunt teaching it was assured of a cushy job for life and never had to up his game to make sure he had a class full of students to teach.


So the Irish language is badly taught yet they put high barriers to entry in place? Why? Why don’t they fix the teaching of the language in primary schools? The reason is that they have no incentive to.

Money is poured into it and the language lobby can shape the language in the minds of our children from the youngest age. They won’t though.

This is where they’re sending their kids, where they can restrict entry to children of the other Irish language elites.

Irish language schools are to be allowed give priority to children “with a reasonable age appropriate” level of oral fluency in the Irish language.

As the article says, baptism gets more attention than this. These are policies that exclude the new Irish.

AOR is also correct on qualifications. People trained in the U.K. for example, have long been discriminated against in the Irish system. I can’t imagine how tough it must be coming from further afield.

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I don’t want people to speak more Irish.

I’d agree, but there’s a difference between promoting it, and making it mandatory.

Peig should be mandatory but not compulsory


We did An Triail for leaving cert. A story about a young woman girl led astray by dashing teacher who became pregnant and was disowned by by the teacher then thrown out by her pious mother and her priest brother and then ended up living in a house of I’ll repute in Dublin and then killed herself and her baby in the end.

Would you say that story is or was timely or relevant?

Don’t think so. But there are new books and stories by younger authors all over the course and they are about loads of modern things, robbing shit from shops and katfishing people on the internet and dodgy websites all sorts beside. But @Fagan_ODowd would like to talk about Peig and @Tim_Riggins wants to talk about Davòs.