When was the last time you did drugs or had a packet of tayto with a pint

RIP, so tragic and every parents worst nightmare.

Legalize weed and you have some chance to combat these tragedies. Nobody dies from overdosing on weed, even with edibles you can get out of your mind high but not end up in the ER.


Iā€™m just back from ATN. This is just awful. What kind of horrible cunts would manufacture and sell something fake that could kill someone to make a few quid.

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Senseless. RIP. My sympathies.

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Horrendous stuff. Dabbled away at Indiependence myself a few years ago, with totally different results. Canā€™t imagine the sheer devastation for the parents. My condolences Johnny.

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An only son. A grand lad who loved hurling, done a great leaving cert ond gone on to 3rd level. A terrible terrible tragedy. May the Lord God bless the pure boys soul. R.I.P. Jack. Be careful lads. Love the ones you love.


Some cunt on Twitter saying he knew the risks and paid the price but the comment backfired on them big timeā€¦

Iā€™m very sorry for your loss Johnny

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How so?

Heard of another death in Tipperary this weekend. Poor young lad was collected from Indiependence in an agitated state and took his own life later on that night


Etc Etcā€¦

Thereā€™d have to a serious streak of want in you to feel justified to make a public comment like that on the death of any person.


Are lads that smoke weed fussy about what type of weed theyā€™re smoking. A book from the liberary says that you can get indica or sativa, and that theyā€™re completely different drugs- one being an downer and the other being a upper.
Thereā€™s a subtle difference apparently.

So sorry to hear that Johnny. RIP

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Itā€™s not subtle. Thing is you canā€™t get weed that is 100% one or the other, but the hybrids are getting better now so you can get a strain thatā€™s predominantly Sativa (THC) or Indica (CBD). So if you take Indica to relax or sleep, youā€™re still gong to get a bit high, but nowhere near as high as taking sativa.

Thanks. I was wondering about the lads in Ireland. You calipoenians are well ahead of the game.

Donā€™t ever smoke smelly sock.

I wouldnā€™t dream of smoking any of it. This is just market research for when the twin equinoxes of brexit and legalisation in one jurisdiction but not the other serendipitify themselves

Now that you mention it one of our most potent strains is sour diesel.
A seamless transition.

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The south Armagh special.
I think Boris would legalise given half a chance. Who knows whatā€™ll happen in norn iron.
I read somewhere that the brains and clout behind teeling are investing heavily in marijuana growing in Ireland.

Finally we can put Jack to rest this weekend. Sometimes there are always tests etc to be done which leaves you in limbo a bit. Funeral arrangements are not your typical. He will be laid out in the clubhouse. All his teammates are there putting up Marques etc at the moment. Couldnā€™t get the day off myself unfortunately but will tip on down early tomorrow to give a hand.

I deal with grief in an unusual way as you can probably see below. It doesnā€™t encapsulate fully what I thought of him. I will miss him calling me back on the line to defend long range frees or keep a full forward out of the square.


Very sorry for your trouble mate.