When was the last time you did drugs or had a packet of tayto with a pint




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You hardly listened to that?

‘What sorrt of attleat puts carcinogenics into his cheesst cavity…’
‘I ddddiiiippped out of it a few weeeks back, albeit with a few pockets of difficulty…’

Fucking genius!

Owwww davvvit
More like.

I wonder what mcg’s I.Q. is. It could be 80, or it could be 140. I really just dont know…its definitely one or the other though. Its definitely not 100

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You just know him and schnoop shot abit of big ass philosophy shit-ta!

My take is connor was such a dickhead on the carcinogens that snoop said “dang”, and took a long hard look at himself.


What did that say before he deleted it?

You truly dont want to know. Anyone who lasted more than 10 seconds of him banging on about Snoop giving up the herb needs to locked up for the safety of others.


No white christmas in Limerick



A very quick one before the bus to Galway.


That looks great

A lovely pint alright but it would want to be for 6.60. I have to pilfer one of those pint glasses before they disappear. There’s a reason Roy goes on about the place. The back part inside the door at the end of the bar is quite simply the finest drinking room in the world.

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That’s nothing, smoking David Clifford lasts a whole year.

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What’s the legality of that in Ireland? … We could get ahead of the curve here and set up a few cafes.


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