When will pubs open again?

I was informed by a tutor all schools and colleges will be back by the end of April.

A tutor would have as much of a clue as you or I do


It seems things can’t shut for longer than six weeks. Things would just fall apart. Well likely adjust and move on. There hasn’t been a single sporting event cancelled in June/July bar Euro 2020 and was moved to allow the leagues to be finished. Shares of Ryanair are recovering too.

Next September.

I wouldn’t call it recovering. Ryanair shares fell close to 50% and are up 4% in a few days. I wouldn’t touch them or any airline with your money. Could easily fall another 50%, or go bankrupt.

“If we can winter this one out - we can summer anywhere”

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This will be a decision based on medical and scientific advice . Your tutor friend is as wise as you or I . No one knows

Price it up.

What do you think?

Just think about it for a minute. They have canceled orals and practicals. Would that call have been made if schools were due back end of April?


Id be pricing the pubs being open for May Bank Holiday at 20/1 at the moment


June for the pubs unfortunately

There’ll be such a session the second they open that the whole country will probably get infected afterwards


I’ll have a pony on that please Dannyboy

You’re restricted pal

You reckon before then? Its only 10 weeks away.

I suppose it’s a question of what do we consider open? Completely unrestricted could be a while, but they might be open in some sort of social distancing format by the end of April. Drive by pubs. Healy Raes we’ll call em


I think May the first is a realistic date for us to be aiming for but more in hope than expectancy

Let’s hope a good majority of these dirty establishments close for good.

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There’ll be such a charge when they open… Places will be packed… Lads drinking to til they fall down. …the riding, the vomiting, farting, Jostling to place an order at the bar, shouting into each others faces over the crowd. We’ll be back to square one by teatime the next day… Better off chowing down on some bat and be done with it…


Yeah I hope you’re right. I am not expecting to darken the door of my office until June at the earliest