Where's me Justice?

11 years? 65 previous convictions?

A joke of a sentence.

A Dublin man who pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of a man in an unprovoked attack near Dublin Airport has been jailed for 11 years.

Ian Daly, 28, of Moatview Drive in Priorswood, had been on trial for the murder of Valeri Ranert.

However, the Director of Public Prosecutions today accepted a plea of guilty to manslaughter.

The Court heard how Mr Ranert and his girlfriend were in a car parked at a lay-by at Naul Road just north of Dublin Airport when a group of youths confronted them.

The windows of Mr Ranert’s car were kicked in. He was attacked in his car before being dragged outside and kicked about the head as he lay on the ground.

Daly left his mobile phone at the scene and later fled to Spain after obtaining a false passport.

He later returned and presented himself to garda.

Sentencing Daly this afternoon, Mr Justice George Birmingham said that the crime was one of ‘gratuitous violence on a man who had been minding his own business.’

He said Daly had embarked on ‘intentional serious criminality’, and that the crime was ‘right at the upper end of the sentencing scale for manslaughter.’

The court heard that in a written statement to detectives, Daly said he had given Mr Ranert two thumps and one kick. He said he could not remember who else was with him that night.

A victim impact statement was presented to the court outlining the effect the killing of Mr Ranert had had on his family back in Estonia.

His family said he had been brutally beaten to death thousands of miles from home.

Ian Daly has 65 previous convictions.

Yeah, I couldn’t believe that earlier. 11 years! A kid lost his father and by the time he’s a teenager his father’s murderer will be a free man. Not right at all.

Shambolic justice
Manslaughter my arse, lazy prosecution, they should have at least gone the whole way for murder, the jury could always have found him guilty of manslaughter

I thought the criminal justice system was supposed to protect us from scum like this? 65 times they’ve had the chance to put this fcuker away for a decent stretch and yet he’s out and about and able to kill a man. He’s basically had an average of one conviction every two months for the past ten years. I suppose we can expect more of the same when he’s out in seven or eight years time.

They should hang the bastard.

Fucking shameful stuff.
Couldn’t believe my ears when I heard that sentence.

a group of ‘youths’ the article says. This cunt is 28 though!
Joke of a short sentence, should be a step between manslaugter and murder if an attack is completely unprovoked.

[quote=“cluaindiuic”]11 years? 65 previous convictions?

A joke of a sentence.

A Dublin man who pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of a man in an unprovoked attack near Dublin Airport has been jailed for 11 years.

Ian Daly, 28, of Moatview Drive in Priorswood, had been on trial for the murder of Valeri Ranert.

However, the Director of Public Prosecutions today accepted a plea of guilty to manslaughter.

The Court heard how Mr Ranert and his girlfriend were in a car parked at a lay-by at Naul Road just north of Dublin Airport when a group of youths confronted them.

The windows of Mr Ranert’s car were kicked in. He was attacked in his car before being dragged outside and kicked about the head as he lay on the ground.

Daly left his mobile phone at the scene and later fled to Spain after obtaining a false passport.

He later returned and presented himself to garda.

Sentencing Daly this afternoon, Mr Justice George Birmingham said that the crime was one of ‘gratuitous violence on a man who had been minding his own business.’

He said Daly had embarked on ‘intentional serious criminality’, and that the crime was ‘right at the upper end of the sentencing scale for manslaughter.’

The court heard that in a written statement to detectives, Daly said he had given Mr Ranert two thumps and one kick. He said he could not remember who else was with him that night.
A victim impact statement was presented to the court outlining the effect the killing of Mr Ranert had had on his family back in Estonia.

His family said he had been brutally beaten to death thousands of miles from home.

Ian Daly has 65 previous convictions.[/quote]

that shows his true remorse & moral compass:mad:

That’s the first time I ever remember you having a normal post on a thread that more or less agreed with what everyone else had said! Nice to see it.

Yeah, what an absolute piss take.
Is there any any scenario where that could be the truth? I’m sure him and his mates have talked about it since.

Disgusting stuff that they accepted this from him.

Also, two punches and a kick?

Sounds a bit like:
Have you been drinking?
Ah, yes but only one or two pints.

Is there any indication of what the 65 previous offences were?

Art Foley would know what to do with scum like this:guns: