Which city in Britain would you most like to see attacked by dissident republicans?

Straight forward enough question - which city in Britain would you like to see dissident republicans target, if they do intend to take a trip across the water ?

good thread mate

no option of a series of spectaculars in lancashire on the same day?

pathetic thread. always thought you were an alright sort but this thread would confirm the opposite.

Went for other myself, wouldn’t mind seeing a certain traitor in East Anglia getting it myself

Waste of time putting Birmingham on this poll, its such a fucking shithole you’d never tell the difference between pre and post bombing.

No option of ‘These unemployed cornerboys should take up a hobby rather than blowing up children in Britain’ I see. I’ll have to decline to vote on this occasion. Try not to blow up members of my family while ye are playing MacGyver over there. :rolleyes:

they’ll do their best but i dont think they can promise anything

I vited “Other”, and choose Dublin.

Belfast isn’t the same without tanks.

Do you have a least favourite city in Britain Fenway ? It’s just for the purposes of the poll



on a side note maybe SS can confirm- the impression i was under was that mI5 basically control the dissidents(apart from a few family only celLS) so I doubt anything would happen

Thanks for viting mate

I know it’s only a rural village but can we get an option for Malahide included please?

thats just kevs jokes repackaged- :rolleyes:

Sid should stick to the puns, thats his thing.

Sid has certainly regressed as a poster in recent months.

Whatever about sid, losing noddy has crippled this forum.

Where is he gone? He was only talking about North Tipp hurling a few days ago…


Just one City?