Which Would Survive Longest?


This is a public poll.

The polar bear would clearly adapt and survive easier.

The lion is king of the jungle, remove him from that jungle and he is a nobody. Whoā€™d listen to him in the North?

Polar bears are descended from black bears who went north. Humans are descended from black people who went north. Both polar bears and white humans now hate all blacks. The polar bear would thus have an endless supply of blacks to thrive on in Kenya and white humans would do nothing to stop them.

Polar bears would die of sunstroke in Kenya.

Lions donā€™t live in the jungle.

No my friend.

Lions, like most animals in Kenya do little during the day. They hide in the shade. If polar bears found a shaded watering hole they can come out at night where conditions drop below zero.

The lion would have no such escape except for a very small window in the summer.

Could you imagine a polar bear having to exert himself when hunting his prey in the blistering heat of Africa? Heā€™d keel over from sunstroke.

Lions are generally very bad swimmers so with the rapidly melting polar ice cap youā€™d have to fear for them. A liger or indeed a tiger would be a better bet to survive in that situation as they like swinmming.

Read my last post you dim witted greasy wop wanna be. Most animals do their hunting at dawn, dusk or at night. Not in the blistering heatā€¦ Unlike you abroad, with your white socks and pink skin.

This Carlson lad seems a bit dim

Listen pal, I have watched hundreds of wildlife documentaries which practically makes me an expert on all wildlife matters and Iā€™m telling you a polar bear would survive quicker in Africa than a lion in the Artic.

I simply donā€™t know. I have voted accordingly.

[quote=ā€œCarlCarlson, post: 665057ā€]

Listen pal, I have watched hundreds of wildlife documentaries which practically makes me an expert on all wildlife matters and Iā€™m telling you a polar bear would survive quicker in Africa than a lion in the Artic.[/quote]

Yep, definitely a bit dim

I would say though that the polar bear in ā€˜Lostā€™ seemed to survive for a good while in a tropical climate.

Emmy award winning show at that.

A polar bear would win this handy. I saw one doing back flips in a zoo in 30 degree heat in the south of France last year. Plus heā€™s an omnivore. If he was too fucked to chase after antelope he could just head off eating berrys and greens.

Mac will be along to abuse you soon.

Lions are lazy fucks and tho they do hunt most of the time they are opportunistic and steal from others who have done all the hard word. They are also territorial cteatures who donā€™t like to venture outside their own patch.

Polar bears donā€™t care how far they have to go or who they have to fuck with it.

Great post tre

Were either of these raised in captivity Bandage?


Just seen TREā€™s post which kinda hits upon what I was getting at.

Carl Carlson is right as usual. A Polar Bear would obviously survive longer, all he needs is the bear necessities.

[font=ā€œverdanaā€][size=ā€œ2ā€]Itā€™s generally sunny, dry and not too hot for most of the year in Kenya despite being situated on the equator. The main rainy seasons are from March to May and November to December but the amount of rainfall varies year to year. Central Kenya is situated on a plateau and the altitude keeps the heat index at a comfortable level. The coastal areas are obviously hotter, but the ocean breeze also makes that region (Mombasa, Lamu and Malindi) fairly comfortable for most of the year. Mount Kenya is high enough to have permanent snow and it will often freeze at night. [/size][/font][font=ā€œverdanaā€][size=ā€œ2ā€] [/size][/font]
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