Who do you think is the hardest person on the forum?

I must say I would be fairly confident of destroying any of you in a fair fight.

It’d literally only take seconds before I’d be enjoying :drink: and :smoke:.

You’re a pack of serious weiners.

Of that list I’d destroy the following:

fingal raven
the piedpiper
Ball Ox (RIP)
Other - Please Specify

Not really sure about thedancingbaby, never fought the lad but not sure I’d want to.

The following I don’t know but I’d certainly fancy my chances in a ruck:
stevie G

The one guy I’ve fought many times and wouldn’t fancy scrapping again is The Croppy.

Hey rocko, so hard that you haven’t even bothered voting for yourself yet.

Why? Because you know, as well as I do, that I’d batter you.

Fingal raven or the croppy. Please remeber no space between the and pied in my name. I spent weeks deciding which form to chose.

Flano eats Celtic fans for breakfast…

Fingal Raven :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

ClarkeyCat without a shadow of a doubt. Most of ye have seen my guns and I’ve an awful temper on me. Couple that with the best damn dropkick in the game since Hardcore Holly, the will to win of Mick Foley and the dirty cheating tactics of the late, great Eddie Guerrero and I’m pretty much unbeatable. My one weakness is a secret that no one must ever find out.

And myself obviously.

i voted for myself for reasons i won’t go into; all i’ll say is that my vote was cast while watching the womens Aerobics on FTN…

How can Flano be leading this?

I intimidated the fook out of him at the Christmas Party last year.


I will never laugh as hard again as I did after hearing this.

The people in the know, know that I really am the hardest. Those who aren’t I can’t wait to meet you

What do you mean by hardest? Most sexually aroused (Thraw?) or toughest (in which case Flano, lock this thread)?