Who will be the first forumer to contract the Corona virus?

Well thatā€™s me covered then. I havent had contact with another human in 13 days nowā€¦ just one day to go !! Iā€™m going to knock on all my neighbourā€™s doors to tell them Iā€™m ok.

Narcissists too

Anybody named Verona should be told to self-isolate permanently.

You ignored medical instruction and put others at risk due to your sense of privilege.

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I followed the medical advice I was given to the letter ā€¦ TO THE LETTER! Iā€™m a hero.

Know it all cunts

No, you didnā€™t. You defied it, you let your fellow citizens down, you were too self centred and egotistical to follow the measures introduced to save lives.

We are all in this together, we cannot tolerate such rank indiscipline and people who do so need to be called out.

I saved lives.

I envisage a book and movie deal after this ā€¦

Iā€™d like Jeremy Piven to play me and if at all possible, for Brady to play himself

Very clannish and parochial

They are and Iā€™ll tell you what, what Iā€™ve noticed in East Cork since ive been here, if theres times of hardship, individual or in the community, theyā€™ll do anything for each other.

Would Billy Zane with a wig not be a better impression?


You gotta tame the beast before you let it out of its cage

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Great news - we got a call there - we are off the list and wont be tested. We are asked to continue isolatingā€¦ and yes, itā€™s ok to bring the dog to wide open spaces so long as we avoid getting close to others. Very sad that people are trying to cause division and scaremongering here and attacked my good name but as usual, justice and honesty has prevailed.

cc @TheUlteriorMotive @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

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Self isolation means self isolation, you selfish bastard.

Stay to fuck indoors.

Oh what a feeling - Iā€™m dancing on the ceiling ā€¦ :brendan:

It would seem we are going to solve this backlog by fucking everyone off the list and starting again. The old HSE waiting list crisis trick, a tried and tested model

Excellent news

Weā€™ve given up on testing it seems ā€” the figures are well and truly not even worth paying attention to now.

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The Government has deemed you so unimportant they donā€™t care whether you live or die. You should have told them you were a Doctor and hoped they didnā€™t ask any follow up questions

Doesnt say much for @Juhniallio - he had legit symptoms and they told him to fuck off.