Whos getting pissed?

Leaving our Nations Capital at 4. Cork by 6:30 then on the dirty lash.

:pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint:

Yours in :pint: ,


I plan on getting loaded.
Possibly every night/day this weekend.

i have parties to attend friday, saturday and sunday night. could be shaky monday. oh to the hints.

Oh when the hints, oh when the hints
Oh when the hints go marching in…

Oh lord i want to be in that number
When the hints go marching in…

You heading down from the mountains to join us in victory celebrations Sunday evening??


Ah lovely, hopefully the hints will be flowing…

Off to Glasgow tomorrow morning with Bold Robert Emmett TFK CSC (Bandage, Baby and Beak) so handy enough night tonight if I do venture out. Plenty of bottled Becks tomorrow though in various Glaswegian establishments.

Westport this weekend for the brother’s stag :pint: :pint: :pint:

Try not to get locked up like Julio did.

Ah you’ll have a hint or two later all right. :pint:

I shall indeed Bandage. I shall indeed.

Shocking spelling by Bandage AGAIN.



You might just withdraw your previous comment then seeing as it’s incorrect, all right?

Both interchangeable.

Well I be damned.

Lying on beach, south Portugal, bottle of sangres in one hand, iPhone in other. 25 degrees. Pissed.