Who's married/getting married thread

Since HangBlaa is tying the knot next Friday, here is the place to give advice, thoughts, memories, stories from the day you were married/at a wedding etc etc.

I’m married by the way, 4 years in December (or 3 years since December, depends on how you look at it)

Somebody needs to get things off his chest.

Naw, I love being married. The wife is the business, the kids come in pairs and we share the cooking. What more could you want in life!!??

You sicken me*

  • Only messing. Good on ya!

Fair play to the married lads, don’t know how they keep the show on the road. I was walking up from work yesterday and there was couple after couple heading down to see Tina Tutner in the Point. Lads with heads down, and imaginary tails between their legs, thinking “what am I doing here, where did it all go wrong?”. Not for me thanks.

It all depends on the bird if you ask me.

Some of them are sound and realise that you are a bloke and not a bird and are therefore inherently different to them.

Some of them are idiots though and expect you to do weird things completely against your nature - like attending a Tina Turner concert - for the sole reason to show you off.

Spot on, Sledge. I was crossing that pedestrian bridge by Jury’s Inn around 7pm last night and the amount of disgruntled looking lads strolling along hand in hand made me chuckle away to myself.

I wouldn’t marry a yoke who liked Tina Turner, my missus is a Stone Roses, Smiths woman.

Congrats HangBlaa

Im married 3 Years mesef,Hangblaa is probably up to his neck in all this preparations and rubbish like that,heres a good true story for ye,a sexy little thing whose a friend of my sisters gave me the nod on my wedding night and she was dead serious,told me to ring her any night i was in town etc,she had another go shortly afterwards on the Monday night after the 06 All Ireland final,it was damn tough going but i didnt take her up on the offers,this sort of shit never happened when i was single,tis always the way.

What a dirty little bitch!

Whats her number?

If this thread is going to fulfil its early potential, then folk are going to have to post pictures of their wives on it.

Locke, as thread starter, you can set the ball rolling.

The rest of us will reply with praise and constructive criticism (where appropriate).

Naked pictures are preferable, but not mandatory.

Thank you.

This is typical of what we call the female mindfuck!

That is called “accumulating domestic credits” Bandage.
An excursion of that nature enables lads to fuck off to matches, races, on the lash for a 4-6 week period in the immediate aftermath.
I must confess to going to some Singing Priests yoke in the O2 in June I think. That alone should free me up for the remainder of the Connacht campaign.

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im done.
wouldnt recommend it.

[quote=“HBV*”]im done.
wouldnt recommend it.[/quote]

flesh that out a bit

HBV’s a man of few words. It took him a year to admit he was from limerick.

i noticed a lot of them were keeping quiet from around september 1996 til around around august 2007…Suddenly every second cunt was from limerick

Married a year since December
Heartily recommend it as long as its with the right lady, I’d say its fairly shite if she’s not.

Boxty speaks the words of a wise man- there’s give and take in marriage- Give Tina Turner concert, Take weekends away on the piss


Congrats to Hangblaa. I didn’t see that one coming.

Edit: I’m not married by the way