Why was Clonmel coursing such a damp squib this year?


You can tell by the various posts by Dunph, MAD, SHANNONSIDER et al that it was an awfully shit few days.

Is it really a case of No Rintintin and Runt, No Party?

There weren’t enough hares killed…

i think you’ll find the expression is damp squid…

and there i was putting you on a pedal stool bandage

Christ above. :rolleyes:

The expression is damp squib, the portly wexican is correct.

no shit dunph, do you put many people on pedal stools?



And to think The dunph tried to make out that he was a fan of The IT Crowd

yet more lies from Dunph

A joker of the highest order…All that baked smoked salmon is playing ill with his judgement !


Is this on next week or something?

Clonmel has never been the same since Fitzy left and the Co-op shop when to shit

I dunno about that CL, at least that meant the top class birds [all 3 of em] were all back on the market.

It’s been and gone. Disappointed not to have seen you there. Go Home Hare was a worthy winner of the Derby while Dale Roisin was a somewhat surprise but no less worthy winner of the Oaks. They ran out of hare soup on the second day…

To be honest, anyone who was in Clonmel for the week is still too bollixed to wax lyrical about it. The only disappointment was that manaboutdog’s brothers didn’t start fighting after their heated discussion on the ray timing mechanism. The Dunph going up for four helpings of the roast pig-on-a-spit in the Minella on Sunday night was a quite revolting sight. You’d think the cunt was fat enough.

:lol: I can imagine them


The two boys were making a right scene alright. :lol:


Would you give the blonde a dart Dunph? Looks like she badly needs one. She seems to think that hares live in ‘families’ lol…not even knowing that hares are solitary animals.

That’s a fact, it’ll be the weekend at least before we are up to it.

Tards. And if you notice they are nearly all from Cork. Imagine an alright sort from somewhere like Limerick getting involved in something like that, it just wouldn’t happen. They weren’t brave enough to protest outside Powerstown, that looks like it was conducted from a car park in Cahir.


Go Home Hare!

No sign of the MEL syndicate boys at work today , I heard they were seen boarding a minibus to BB’s this morning to collect .