Wigan Athletic Supporters Thread

If Wigan stay up then this will surely be the most successful bandwagon in TFK history.
Well done to all the hoppers.

Sidney, check in mate :clap:

[quote=“Piles Hussain, post: 771087, member: 363”]If Wigan stay up then this will surely be the most successful bandwagon in TFK history.
Well done to all the hoppers.[/quote]



[quote=“Piles Hussain, post: 771087, member: 363”]If Wigan stay up then this will surely be the most successful bandwagon in TFK history.
Well done to all the hoppers.[/quote]
This wagon started as far back as the 5th of April 2013.

What a rollercoaster. What a payoff

And more to come…


Wow. That was fucking superb.

And on that note I think I’m signing out guys. Thanks for everything. It was truly special. I’m getting out at the top.

Fair play to Wigan. Hard luck to all the arsehole Irish nouveau Man City fans.

Roberto with the mammy and daddy :slight_smile:



Just back from Wembley. What a long day, but what a day. It started at 6am with myself, Scrunchie, carryharry, mickjones and Il Bomber Destro meeting up by spotting each other’s name tags at Dublin Airport. A couple of hours later the TKFKWSC were in Central London tucking into a traditional Wigan meal of a Poole’s pie in a barm cake for breakfast. After a few pints of John Smith’s we then caught the carnival mood and made our way out to Wembley on the Tube for brunch with former The Verve session bass player Bonzo McDermott and Terry Newton’s brother Brian, and what a great success the event was. The boys were thrilled to hear about the success of the first ever online Wigan supporters club in Ireland and the Dublin and Limerick meet ups. More pies were served up and after a few glasses of wine, we set the tone for the match beautifully with a few renditions of “One-nil to the empty seats”. The tension at the match itself was unreal and I could barely bring myself to post here - mick couldn’t post at all with the tension, but credit to Scrunchie, harry and Bomber for keeping the updates going.

Thankfully I got a great souvenir photo of the lads celebrating Ben Watson’s goal - I won’t reveal carryharry, Scrunchie and mick’s identities but that’s Bomber on the right there with the shades.

Like the team itself, we couldn’t linger around all night to celebrate as we had to hop in a quick taxi back to Heathrow, but the beers flowed both in the taxi (thanks to our driver) and on the plane and we all agreed that the next match excursion of the TFKWSC can’t come quick enough. Europe here we come.

An inspired choice from the Bomber to post this pre-match and now it’s time to post it again given that histoy has indeed been made.


[quote=“Sidney, post: 771170, member: 183”]Watson’s

Just back from Wembley. What a long day, but what a day. It started at 6am with myself, Scrunchie, carryharry, mickjones and Il Bomber Destro meeting up by spotting each other’s name tags at Dublin Airport. A couple of hours later the TKFKWSC were in Central London tucking into a traditional Wigan meal of a Poole’s pie in a barm cake for breakfast. After a few pints of John Smith’s we then caught the carnival mood and made our way out to Wembley on the Tube for brunch with former The Verve session bass player Bonzo McDermott and Terry Newton’s brother Brian, and what a great success the event was. The boys were thrilled to hear about the success of the first ever online Wigan supporters club in Ireland and the Dublin and Limerick meet ups. More pies were served up and after a few glasses of wine, we set the tone for the match beautifully with a few renditions of “One-nil to the empty seats”. The tension at the match itself was unreal and I could barely bring myself to post here - mick couldn’t post at all with the tension, but credit to Scrunchie, harry and Bomber for keeping the updates going.

Thankfully I got a great souvenir photo of the lads celebrating Ben Watson’s goal - I won’t reveal carryharry, Scrunchie and mick’s identities but that’s Bomber on the right there with the shades.

Like the team itself, we couldn’t linger around all night to celebrate as we had to hop in a quick taxi back to Heathrow, but the beers flowed both in the taxi (thanks to our driver) and on the plane and we all agreed that the next match excursion of the TFKWSC can’t come quick enough. Europe here we come.[/quote]

:clap: :clap::clap::clap::clap:

One of the best days of my life.

[quote=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 771184, member: 1052”]:clap: :clap::clap::clap::clap:

One of the best days of my life.[/quote]
+1 Pals. A tale to regale the grandchildren with around an open fire.

[quote=“Sidney, post: 771170, member: 183”]Watson’s

  • I won’t reveal carryharry, Scrunchie and mick’s identities but that’s Bomber on the right there with the shades.


thats defo bandage in the background with no top on…


Too emotional to post

Except - Sidney, Crunchie, Larrybarry, Little Bomber Kestrel, YOU GUYS… I fucking love you all

:D:pint::pint::pint::pint::pint: Bobby Martinez… :clap::clap:

Loving the new pic Mick. What a day!!!

[quote=“Sidney, post: 771170, member: 183”]Watson’s

Like the team itself, we couldn’t linger around all night to celebrate as we had to hop in a quick taxi back to Heathrow, but the beers flowed both in the taxi (thanks to our driver).[/quote]

I had some bad news when I unpacked the bag this morning. The match day program was missing. No big deal only we had it signed by Bobby, Davey and lots of the players. But alarmingly I had put the napkin with the phone number of fine young lady CarryHarry was great with in the pie shop before the game into the program too.

My disappointment quickly turned to elation when I got a phone call from the taxi man this morning. He said he rang the ladies phone number who gave him CarryHarry’s who he then rang and got mine. He told me he had the match day program and was sending it over to me.

He said Sid you also left a six pack on the front with a half eaten pie. I told him he could keep them, so happy was I.