Will Obama go down as a massive disappointment?

betraying Israel?



The state of Israel was sanctioned by the UN in 1947 and supported by the US, the USSR and the rubble of what was Europe. The only ones opposed to its creation were the aforementioned medieval dwellers

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Could you possibly construct a sentence (in English preferably) to support your (supposed) argument?
Otherwise leave the discourse to adults.

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your trip home was a disaster, your family detests you

now you are arguing against international law

its been a bad christmas

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My family adore me mate as do all that know me personally

The only ones I have a semblance of a problem with are a few online idiots, strangely enough all of them either from the sewer capital of Ireland or residing in said sewer.

Israel was established under international law, idiot, and has the same right as any nation state to defend itself and protect its interests. In particular against maurading medievals and their simpleton supporters.


Of course the fuckin UN sanctioned it. Were any of those countries going to take in thousands and thousands of homeless Jews? Not on your fucking nelly.
The creation of the state of Israel was the second greatest act of anti-jewry of the 20th centruy.

they re building illegal settlements

thats an act of aggression

The Jews are carrying out genocide

And they agree themselves they would gladly give up some of the disputed lands (Gaza and parts of the West Bank) for a sustainable peaceful solution. The problem is you have rational people on one side of the argument and assorted 7th century barbarians and their couch dwelling urbanite simpleton supporters on the other.

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I thought you just said you were all for a bit of genocide to save the planet?

Turn on your sarcasm detector, mate… it’s in the settings, top right.

Be fair. There are some whopping cunts on both sides.

NZ committed an act of war this week against Israel according to the Israelieites


I’m getting seriously worried for @anon7035031 here, what with his visions of people who post here living on couches in sewers. Either he’s suffering from drug and alcohol-induced hallucinations (as opposed to the everyday, run of the mill hallucinations he suffers from the rest of the time) or he’s been watching too many episodes of Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles and confusing it with reality.

Or perhaps, or more likely, both.

I agree with Obama’s Administration in not vetoing the resolution, the settlements are wrong. I do not agree with all of Secretary Kerry’s statements regarding Israel and I think it’s just more evidence of his chaotic foreign policy that he would only do this a few days from leaving office. Donald is going to come in and reverse all of this strong arming.

The pretend ira lads sitting on their couch drinking 75 pound bottles of whiskey love the Palestinian terrorists @Sidney was one of those tools who wore a parka jacket and a yassar arrafat scarf when he was in secondary school

You’re the chap that spends his time falling asleep on park benches and getting raped and spends his whole Christmas contemplating suicide by throwing himself into the sea. :grin:

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Mocking mental illness again, how pathetic.

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How quick you reply when I make a joke about mental illness, yet you regularly do it yourself. Always getting all outraged and looking for a bandwagon cause to jump on.

You take offence so easily, don’t you?

Did you think I was talking about you or you are merely hiding behind political correctness to clamp down on free speech by somebody who tells it as it is?