Will Obama go down as a massive disappointment?

NZ committed an act of war this week against Israel according to the Israelieites


I’m getting seriously worried for @anon7035031 here, what with his visions of people who post here living on couches in sewers. Either he’s suffering from drug and alcohol-induced hallucinations (as opposed to the everyday, run of the mill hallucinations he suffers from the rest of the time) or he’s been watching too many episodes of Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles and confusing it with reality.

Or perhaps, or more likely, both.

I agree with Obama’s Administration in not vetoing the resolution, the settlements are wrong. I do not agree with all of Secretary Kerry’s statements regarding Israel and I think it’s just more evidence of his chaotic foreign policy that he would only do this a few days from leaving office. Donald is going to come in and reverse all of this strong arming.

The pretend ira lads sitting on their couch drinking 75 pound bottles of whiskey love the Palestinian terrorists @Sidney was one of those tools who wore a parka jacket and a yassar arrafat scarf when he was in secondary school

You’re the chap that spends his time falling asleep on park benches and getting raped and spends his whole Christmas contemplating suicide by throwing himself into the sea. :grin:

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Mocking mental illness again, how pathetic.

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How quick you reply when I make a joke about mental illness, yet you regularly do it yourself. Always getting all outraged and looking for a bandwagon cause to jump on.

You take offence so easily, don’t you?

Did you think I was talking about you or you are merely hiding behind political correctness to clamp down on free speech by somebody who tells it as it is?

Mocking suicidal ideation and rape. Is there no depths hell plumb


JWhy would I think you were talking about me (in this instance) when you responded to @Tassotti? There is nothing funny about diagnosing fellow posters with mental illness or mocking the real issues they are brave enough to disclose on here. This should be a safe space for all those suffering from mental illnesses to express their views without being ridiculed and mocked.

You, more than anyone, should share such a sentiment.

Christ, Sidney. You’re one disturbed cunt.

You and @anon7035031 supported a candidate who has appointed a man who has propagated a story that his political opponent runs a child sex ring from a pizzeria, so I think it’s fairly obvious who’s disturbed.

No Sid, it’s still you.

No, it’s you. And the other moron.

Flagged by the community now, you stupid cunt. :joy:

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Maybe @ironmoth crawled out of @anon7035031’s arse to do it? Or was it yourself?

He will have an interesting year ahead trying to prove that allegation. I will keep the board updated on progress.

The baldy snowflake is offended


Bumped for @Sidney and @maroonandwhite.

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I was actually just about to bump this.

Could you bump a few of the other similar threads as well, please?