Will Obama go down as a massive disappointment?

This pope is some fucking man :clap::clap:
[SIZE=6]Obama and Raúl Castro thank pope for breakthrough in US-Cuba relations[/SIZE]

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 1059129, member: 332”]This pope is some fucking man :clap::clap:
[SIZE=6]Obama and Raúl Castro thank pope for breakthrough in US-Cuba relations[/SIZE]
Unreal. I’m seriously re- evaluating my stance on on religion due to the man…

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 1059129, member: 332”]This pope is some fucking man :clap::clap:
[SIZE=6]Obama and Raúl Castro thank pope for breakthrough in US-Cuba relations[/SIZE]
What a fucking mugging off for all those non practicing catholic bastards out there :clap:


We’re back, baby.

Did anyone see his speech earlier to congress, he did a state of the nation address. He’s some orator to be fair if nothing else and today he mugged off the Republicans good and proper.


sickening cunt crying on the news there

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100% failure.

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Obama doing a great job for the pro Trump side.

Trump 2016 :clap:

“Obama Out” :ronnyroar:


I see Obama is giving it biglicks now about Trump getting help from he Russians and blaming the world and it’s wife for Syria (although good of him to acknowledge he will have his ‘sleepless nights’ over all that sorry business). Maybe if Obama had any bit of steel about him while he was in office, Aleppo would be a nice place to visit and Trump would still be playing the celebrity TV circuit.

In short, fuck off Obama. Enjoy your future with the likes of Blair, Bush and Cameron when you meet them on the university lecture gravy train. Stone useless


Spot on mate and you nailed it at the beginning of the thread. A typical left leaning academic, Obama had no experience whatsoever to bring to the position. Set about dividing the country from the off, and his legacy will be a divided country for a generation. A smarmy smooth talker with zero ability to reach across the aisle and lead as all successful presidents have. He will go down in history as a nobody.


Tell us all about your detailed plan as to how you would have dealt with Syria, mate? :grin:

Seething :smile:

I’m not the president mate

If you’re not willing to offer an opinion on what you think he should have done about Syria it rather undermines your cribbing from the sidelines.

Until then your position can basically be summarised as thus:
“I haven’t a clue about Syria or what Obama should have done about it but I’m going to blame him for everything anyway, well, because I feel like it.”

Yes he will I read hie book that I got for Xmas the year that he got in hr sounded great but he was à let down

Supported the free Syrian army while they in the ascendancy

Define “support”.

But I am on the sidelines @Sidney. Like I said already I’m not the President, much as you might like me to be