Will Obama go down as a massive disappointment?

You must at least have an opinion on what should have been done, mate?

For a start he shouldn’t have been talking through his arse about red lines when he hadn’t got the balls to back it up.

So what do you think he should have done, as opposed to not done, mate?

I’m not the President, mate.

Do you think he took appropriate action (or inaction)?

I’m not the President, mate.

You’re the second poster that’s blaming the President for a war in another country without offering any suggestions at all as to what he should have done.

Like with the other poster who did this, this strongly suggests you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.

I never pretended I had a clue. You’re the one on here trying to portray yourself as some Middle East intellectual.

Stick to the puns, mate.

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No, mate, you clearly are.

You’re the one that’s blamed Obama for the war in Syria without suggesting anything about what he should have done.

You’re the one trying to claim knowledge over something you clearly have no knowledge of.

You’re the one that waded in a very opinionated manner, yet you’re completely unable to answer basic questions about the issue.

Obama got the ball rolling in these conflicts, then dropped the ball, lost his nerve and left the situation a giant mess while going off to play another round of golf.

The rest of the world didn’t have a notion of what his foreign policy was. He was all nice speeches and rtheroric, which naturally appealed to the chin strokers in Oslo who decide the Nobel Prize back in 2009, but he delivered nothing on the kind of the world he envisaged.

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One of the worst US presidents of all time

He is close to Buchanan and Carter alright.

A spoofer.


A dithering flip flopper like Carter. Hope and Change my arse, his own community who voted in unprecedented droves for him are worse off economically now than in 2008.


Wasn’t much he could do with such a divided house and the lunatic fringe of the gop blocking everything. Getting the ball rolling on health care was a massive achievement, other measures such as the program to write off college debt were well meaning. He had no issue ordering military action, increasing deportations etc, so the gentle snowflakes who thought he would usher in an era of mass hugs and tenderness will be bitterly disappointed. His biggest legacy might be his decision to get around the houses with executive orders, hes basically opened the door for dictatorship.

Arms, funds. Military intervention? He said early days that he didn’t want to repeat the mistakes of bush, I think that led to him being too reticent to act in Syria.

Conciliatory Obama?

Bob Woodward details in his book on the Obama administration that he didn’t meet Mitch McConnell for two years following his election.

It’s quite interesting that people call Trump an egomaniac when Obama was just as bad. His campaign speeches are utterly cringe to read back on now, amazing naivety. Obama thought he knew what was best so that’s what would go. His Chicago crew that took over didn’t have a notion on how Washington worked and wasted all of the Democraric political capital from 2008.

I can disagree on some of LBJ’s policies like the War on Poverty but you can’t deny the guy was a canny politician who was effective.

Red herring. W Bush, Clinton, Reagan and Carter all issued more executive orders than Obama.

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Was it naivety or was it selling an idea of ‘hope’ that post dubya he knew would gain huge support, a lot of the message might be cringe but it did the job, twice. I think he’s far cuter and politically adroit than many think.

Really, i read something recently giving out about him in that regard, ill research it, if im right, ill be back to throw it in your face, if you are, ill ignore this clamping as if it never happened.