Will Obama go down as a massive disappointment?

He’s a masterful communicator, there is no question on that. But he is a shit backroom negotiator. Bob Woodwards book is fantastic, he gives equal shit to the GOP but Obama comes across poorly.

Oh and on the Mitch McConnell quote which is thrown around;

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The primary job of the president is to work across the aisle and get as much of the agenda that he ran on accomplished. It is rare for a president to have control over all three branches, in fact the system is designed to deter that and encourage compromise.

Obama turned out to have zero leadership or negotiating skills. Those are attributes you gain from experience, something he sorely lacked. From the get go he alienated Republican leaders. You simply can’t do that and hope to accomplish much, at the end of the day he was and is a worthless ideolog.

Compare his record to Clinton who had Republicans in control of the house for 6 of his 8 years.

His only accomplishment was Obamacare, which has been a disaster and one of the top 3 reasons Hillary lost.

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Snowflake Sid won’t like this

Fair enough. I have heard the point made and refuted before so here ya go.


Obama is a great lad to give a speech. He seems likeable and well-meaning enough but his foreign policy has been disastrous. How many countries is he bombing now? Didn’t he go against Congress and invade Libya as well. Look how that turned out. He then armed all those “moderate” rebels in syria. Another shit show. How many governments have the states tried overthrow on his watch. Plenty. Considering the wave of optimism Obama rode in to office on he has achieved fuck all positive things. Also did he not have both houses for his first two years of his administration.

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Obama basically founded ISIS


Jesus? Why won’t he tell us where they are then?
What an a-hole.

He overruled the generals who wanted a more stepwise withdrawal from Iraq. A community organizer lecturing 4 star generals on how to conduct a war. You couldn’t make it up.


He certainly did. That is something which would drive Sid ape if it was a Republican.

He flip flopped so badly on foreign policy.

What’s the historical record in terms of outcomes of the US sending arms, funds and intervening militarily in other countries since World War II?

Interesting that people here don’t seem to consider the Iran nuclear deal, the global climate change accord, reopening diplomatic relations with Cuba and giving 22 million more people health insurance as achievements.

I guess all these agreements and deals also show that Obama was a shit negotiator. :grin:

At least I guess they do if you’re crazy.

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The Iranians are laughing at him. The climate deal makes energy expensive for the poor, undermines emerging economies, creates jobs for bureaucrats. Cuba is only a tourist destination. We will see how Obamacare works out for all Americans. His main achievement was banging Beyonce.


Here’s what the Guardian have to say about Obama’s record on climate change. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/video/2016/nov/30/obama-climate-change-legacy-global-warming-video

Tell me what you think is wrong with the Iran deal.

The whole world has been laughing at the US for the last six weeks, mate.

So you’re anti-action on climate change?

Good, forward thinking policy, that. :grin:

I’ve reported the last part of your post for racism.

Diplomatic relations with Cuba…still ruled by a family dictatorship. Cuba gave up nothing for that deal.

Why should they have had to give up anything?

Why do you think the US should be able to bully another country in order to have diplomatic relations with it?

Well said. The AHC will stand despite what the langballs on the R have tried. They were against it before the thing was even wrote up.

I’m proud to say He is My President.

Speaking up for the LGBT, putting a fucking bullet in Ladens head. Calling out bad cops. Saving the auto industry, and the wee matter of improving the economy greatly. Kicking out more illegals than any other prez.

But hey what do I know. Trump will be a fucking disaster and nuthin’ I or the pricks who voted for him will feel any better when the grim reaper appears.

Cuba offers to pay off debt to Czech Republic in rum

He obviously didn’t kick out all the illegals

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Well, I for one am shocked at this revelation.