Will Obama go down as a massive disappointment?

After 8 years of Ronnie rule the wicked Soviet’s collapsed. That’s a W.


This is the problem, nobody has a fucking clue what Obama was doing there.

Ok you just want to make up facts and achievements. You’re an idiot. Carry on then.

And Libya

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Made up what mate?

Give me a couple of Obama’s achievements.

On what basis are you calling anyone a despot? More people are killed extrajudicially by the state in the USA than in Cuba per capita.

No I’m not going to bother engaging in a debate about things you make up as you go along.

:joy: ffs another Che Guevara tshirt wearing SU type.

How many American citizens have fled their own country because of the Presidency on a US President?

Strange that Cuba is a big deal when it suits you and not a big deal when it suits you.

Actually, Iran has as much right to have nuclear weapons as Israel and the US. Iran hasn’t started a war or invaded another country since 1738.

The point is that it is a multilateral step towards limiting nuclear weapons capability and Iran is abiding by the terms of the deal.

Anybody who think the deal is a bad thing is an arse.

Why can’t you answer the question? On what basis are you calling anyone a despot?

Iran’s banks are some of the few in the world not owned by the Rotshchilds …

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You aren’t engaging because you have nothing. Facts, simple as.

Obama has admitted that the aftermath of Libya was his “worst mistake” as a President;

A military intervention he did not have Congressional approval for (CC @Sidney, http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2012/09/how-obama-ignored-congress-and-misled-america-on-war-in-libya/262299/). Obama made a last minute shout to go in and then wouldn’t do the hard work afterwards (Nation building).

Then on Syria he remembered he was supposed to be a non interventionist President. His “red line” was all but a joke.

The problem with Obama is rhetoric over action. He tipped his toes in Libya to see the awesome power of the US military but wouldn’t do the dirty work afterwards. Give Obama a well written speech by himself and Jon Favreau and he’ll knock it out of the park.

Reagan had absolutely nothing to do with the fall of the Berlin Wall, mate.

I know this is one of these articles of faith that people like you hold dear to your hearts, unfortunately for you it contains no basis in reality whatsoever.

The USSR and communism in Eastern Europe collapsed because it was a decrepit system which rotted from the inside, and had been doing so for decades.

No other reason.

Cliche bingo.

It’s so easy to get you to resort to it. :grinning:

Simple fact. 8 years of Reagan and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

President made foreign policy mistakes. There’s a first.

I don’t think any modern president has a better record. You’ve made up a few laughable things and attributed them to bush and Reagan and made yourself look pretty dumb, and at the same time ignored some remarkable Obama achievements.

What’s your foreign policy expertise anyway? Have you studied or worked in any related field? Does it extend beyond googling articles that endorse conservatives and criticise liberals?

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The existence of person A does does not mean there is a causation effect to event B.

Obama being president does not mean there is a causation effect to the war in Syria, or Bush I being president does not mean there is a causation effect to what happened in China in 1989 or in Bosnia in 1992, or Clinton being president does not mean there is a causation effect to what happened in Rwanda or Zaire.

Reagan wasn’t even president when the Berlin Wall fell, by the way.

The Castros? I made this abundantly clear on the Castro thread but;

  • well over a million Cuban refugees to the United States. To put that into perspective that isn’t far off 10% of the current population. What’s the equivilent in the United States?
  • no free elections for 50 plus years now
  • imprisoned his political opponents and sent them to firing squads
  • brought the world to the verge of nuclear war to help his own position

And on military intervention, Castro engaged in that as well in Africa. I already suggested to the other Castro lovers on here that they would do well for themselves to read this book by Lara Pawson (freelancer, writes for the Guardian quite a bit and former BBC African editor) wrote on the subject, http://www.ibtauris.com/Books/Humanities/History/Regional%20%20national%20history/African%20history/In%20the%20Name%20of%20the%20People%20Angolas%20Forgotten%20Massacre.aspx?menuitem={EF0E1ED2-7796-49DB-A6EA-B3DC9E30B2C4}

this was the beginning of the end of communism in Russia


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