Will Obama go down as a massive disappointment?


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the atmosphere when he cried out “tear down this wall” unreal

Are you going to tell me you’ve foreign policy chops now? :joy: Aren’t you the failed solicitor? :grin:

The CIA are working hand in hand with the Saudis arming half the mid-east - the same Saudis that are arming fundamentalists all over the world. You couldn’t make it up


Yup, I’d say it’s fair to say no one here is as qualified as me to comment. And I never attempted to become a solicitor.

A man of action and his speech there backs up what he did. 8 years of a reducing the the nuclear threat whilst keeping the US military strong throughout the world to stop Soviet expansion.

It drives the lefties ape that they’re the ones who dropped the first A Bomb and brought the world to near nuclear holocaust in 1962. :grin:

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The only wall that came came down on Reagan’s watch was the one at Heysel.

And he had as much to do with that coming down as the Berlin Wall coming down.

Law student who wasn’t good enough to get a traineeship so.

Funny the way you try to avoid the initial question by firing insults. Dumb really.

You were the first one to do that my friend.

Foreign Policy achievements of previous Presidents
Asked to give some foreign policy achivements by you, I do and you respond
“I’m not going to bother engaging in debate with you”

On Cuba
Glas - “Uck why are you saying my hero Castro was a despot???”

I give numerous reasons and then it’s ignored.

On Obama’s foreign policy performance

I give you a summation of Obama’s flip flopping throughout the world
Glas - “everyone makes mistakes”

The only one here who cannot debate is yourself, so it’s no surprise the big cheeses wouldn’t take a second look at you.

Dim Tim is great at trying to drag a thread down through deflection and then claiming somebody else is deflecting.

It’s a necessary technique for one so lame at debating.

That’s bang out of order.

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Another Republican President who warned the world;


And Sidney dares to call them “extremely dangerous”


You were the one that decided to start making things up, I didn’t bother much after that.

You are all talking bollox and ignoring the real facts here - It’s sickening.

And yet you did, challenging me on Cuba and Obama’s record, with equally lame rebuttals.

Quite telling that you have to refer to something from 1961 to make a case that the current Republican party is not dangerous. :smile:

You might want to refer to something a bit more recent, like, say, what’s happening in North Carolina at the moment.

And yet you use stuff like the Civil Rights Act in the 1960s to back your points up.

I looked for facts, you’re not good at those.

As anybody with any knowledge of US politics knows, and as I told you the other night, the Civil Rights Act is the central dividing line in modern US politics and remains so to this day.

But of course, given that your knowledge of US politics and historical context is so non-existent, you’re oblivious to such a basic fact.

Eisenhower’s speech carries no relevance to the modern Republican party - they are the exact definition of what his speech warned about.

Eisenhower’s foreign policy wasn’t so great itself, it should be said.

It was on his watch that Mossadegh was overthrown by a US/British plotted coup in Iran, Arbenz was overthrown in Guatemala, the Rosenbergs were executed and Cuba turned into a brutal dictatorship.