With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Not much you can do about that.

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The same author wrote pretty much the same article some weeks back. And again, like the last time, completely misses the point and is not comparing like for like.


That sounds like the makings of a fine TFK poster


A house three or four doors up had been sitting in empty for three years… Default. We actually contacted mazars a few months back to see if there was anything gonna be done with it and they politely told us fuck off. A few work men appeared a few days back so I asked them what the craic was and they said it was bought by a finance company, they buy houses in default / arrears by the block , 20-30 at a time, and rent them out at high value… Reckons they bought a 100 alone this year…

Between that and HAP , how do we ever expect rents to come down in this country?


Cunts. That is fucked.

A pain in the hole alright. Only thing that solves it is supply to my mind. We saw little bit over the summer that if supply comes on stream it has a fairly immediate impact on prices. Doesn’t really matter who owns it - just that it’s there because it directly affects the prices at the margins.

The zealotry of the Dublin councils against anything that isn’t a 3 bed semi D means you have tech bros who’d be happy in co-living arrangements occupying family homes while families live in hotels

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You think graduates working in Facebook and the like would be happy living in coliving?

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Not graduates, foreign workers in Ireland for a limited period of time who have no plans to settle down here.

Foreign workers recruited by Facebook and Google and the likes? Earning about 60-90k starting salaries? And with their employers paying their first 6 months rent when they mover here usually?

You think they’d want to live in coliving buildings?

I live in a family home near google HQ and rent in my area is affected by these subsidised rents. The majority of the mid-ranking employees are foreign transient workers who effectively live, eat and socialise in the office and have limited needs from a place of residence. The higher earning more discerning cohort who seek more creature comforts are catered for by the expensive apartments on the river.

Do you know what the average starting salary is for these types? Do you honestly think people on such salaries would be happy to live in a tower bed sits?

Mortgage drawn down today, keys to be got by Monday :ronnyroar:


It’s a nice feeling having your own roof over your head.

The business model wouldn’t exist if there wasn’t a precedence for it, eg the Netherlands. The likes of Davor and Sonya would have their needs met by modern living quarters and a “community” of like minded transient tech workers instead of terraced housing with 4x the square metres.

Removing this cohort from competition in the mature rental market and easing pressure in this sector at the margin. Obviously the bigger picture requires more ambitious plans suited to a wider portion of the city but every little helps.

Great feeling, especially not to be paying 15k a year off on some other lads mortgage.

Yes that is what the developers of coliving buildings say alright. And they would, wouldn’t they. Luckily the current minister for housing is not as much of a simpleton as that gobshite Murphy and has taken a different view.

Why are you so against co-living? They’re not the solution but they are part of the solution.

I looked at a few in my younger days when I was living abroad and would have been happy enough living in one. The only reason I didn’t is because there wasn’t any rooms available in the area I wanted to live in.

Beats house shares anyway - look at what poor @Copper_pipe has had to put up with.


Yep, Darragh O’Brien will save the day.