With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Offer to take a proper look if you want, just send me a pm. Impossible to say if it’s too high or not without full spec and details of works.

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Not for Dublin.

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Ultra high level to date but I might throw you an outline at the next iteration. Cheers.

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As far as I know the bank won’t touch you with a mortgage while you are on that scheme, no matter how unlucky it was for you and how short lived it was. You may need to have cleared it by six months before they’ll entertain you again but best to talk to them and see.

I’d imagine it depends heavily on the nature of your employment as well.

I can confirm they won’t, we were asked back in May - luckily we werent on the PUP but if we were that was the mortgage approval gone.

They delayed us actually by a few days to get written confirmation of that.

But we haven’t been on it, some employees of our company were. Some dose… thanks for the reply pal.

I know a few IT lads that were contracted to install windows 10 that got told to fuck off by BOI,

If neither of ye have been on it then I’d imagine should be all fine.


A poor attempt at humour in these dark times mate.

Not implausible. BOI’s famously outdated IT dept are probably running Vista and colleagues wouldn’t have heard of Windows 10


We had to give further proof of our income status before we drew down our mortgage back in May. Herself was on the WSS scheme and wasn’t an issue at all.

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When they issued you the letter of loan offer how long was that valid for and would they require any more info off you from there until drawdown? Besides obviously surveyors report. Could they issue you a letter of loan offer and then you go and pay the 10% house deposit and sign contracts but could it still unravel at that point on the bank side and leave your 10% deposit up in smoke?

They are probably using Multiplan. (Google it).

We got the letter of offer in February valid for six months signed the contracts and paid the 10% deposit in early April. Our solicitor inserted a clause that the deposit would be returned if for some reason the Bank didn’t release the funds. From the middle of April to the middle of May it was all about life assurance, house insurance, surveyors reports etc etc to get into to them. They only asked for payslips from the last 3 months just before we drew down in the middle of May.


I have gotten my date for snagging. A civil engineer friend of mine will be assisting me with this but as an aside - anyone have any tips or steers for me

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Done it myself this time last year. Download the Site Audit Pro app, I think it’s €15. Take the photos and annotate as you go and once you’re finished it will pdf it to you and you’re done. Bring a spirit level and check your floors.


Run the showers, the bath, the sinks, flush all the toilets, if possible ask them to put on the heating etc… Check all the lights… Sockets… All small shit that will drive you demented after

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