With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

There are different ones being released all the time. The original one that people knew of was the deep Retro fit, but that ended a couple of years back. @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy I’d be somewhat wary of those grants too. You will get a grant, however you may need to pay extra to meet specific requirements so the net effect may be that you will spend the same, but with the grant conditions you’ll have a better thermal rated house.

Its back but it hasn’t got a full jazzy product launch yet. There are a list of one stop shops where you register your interest and the process kicks off from there. SEAI are farming it out to third parties.

And the rest


Seai has a serious amount of home energy grants

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Yeah… I’d say he has double that described tbh :joy: floors ripped up, kitchen fully replaced an extension built on… Before he has a stick of furniture bought…

Thanks, chaps. Looks like 90% of the retrofit funding for 2021 is already committed or under consideration so that more or less rules that out.

There is money in the pot still.

Yeah little shitty porch extensions or any facade change can fuck it up. Cladding to the facade would also fall into this if not originally in the planning.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy if you’re talking about insulation cladding and maybe mixing it up with an insulated render, this would not fall under planning. However it’s a very expensive option, albeit probably the best way to help get it A rated.


Should I just get The Border Bull in with the wrecking ball and start from scratch and put in planning for a new dwelling?


Depends on where it is and local needs and all that craic. Speak to an Architect who knows the council and area and what would get through. But for the works you need, knocking and starting from scratch may not be any more expensive than trying to salvage and upgrade. Plus you have more control over what the integrity of the build is.


Yeah. The house kind of goes to a fucking maze at the back so if I have little discretion towards knocking pieces off it and giving it a bit more structure then it’s probably the best move.

Presumably the fact that a dwelling stood there should save a lot of costs when it comes to joining up for the likes of electricity, water, sewage, roads that can be quite costly?

It’s basically a site I’m buying when looking at in objectively, the more research I do I think it’s a bit of a dead duck throwing in money to do it up in its current structure.

Just on rebuilding on a knocked dwelling. What is a ballpark bureaucratic cost saving in rebuilding on a site which has a house on it previously as opposed to a cost?

Why are you so tied to this place are they giving it away or what…

I reckon he’s planning on just telling the house over and over that it’s A rated until it eventually gives up.


It’s going for a song and my preference is to either build or renovate rather than buy. I currently have my own place so I’m not time restricted.

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You’ll still have council contributions based on floor area. You should be OK for services, but without knowing exactly the site, I’d be wary of telling you all would be fine.

I’m not sure of your last question. Construction costs would be the same regardless of whether it’s a green field or you’ve demolished. You’ll have the additional demo costs, but you won’t reuse foundations or anything.

More like planning stipulations and costs and regulations associated with new build. What are the cost saving benefits that make the option of rebuilding on an old dwelling site rather than a greenfield site more attractive?

Apologies for my Ger Gilroy style question.

Other than previous planning being granted making a new submission a bit easier, the actual planning costs to the council will be the same. The services should be the cost saving exercise there, but again, you’d want to check on that as some things like water or power may need upgrading too.

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is it a process that was easily navigated by yourself or do you use an approved energy efficiency mob to do the process on your behalf? Starting to look into improving rating at home and trying to figure best starting point.

Im doing the same, similar conditions to your own. I’ve done a bit of work on the costs, you are as well to knock it and start again. Unless there is some strange local restrictions you will get planning fairly easy - within reason.


Spoken like a true farmer :clap::clap::clap:

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