With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

The youth love American culture and the hippity hop music, innit.

Nail on the head lad.Timing and luck is everything in life.

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It’s been huge in the Northside since the 50s, in the 80s it was as popular as any sport all over the city, courts everywhere, in Mahon alone by 1990’youd have had 14 (off the top of my head) public courts dotted around, all packed from morning till night, smell of hash wafting around, but a brilliant standard of ball in the main games, in the Nirthside that would have been amplified, the courts would be vandalized but in fairness the council kept fixing them, they’re mostly car parks now though there are courts still dotted around the city.
It suits urban culture, all you need is a ball,

You should read Hanging from the rafters by Kieran Shannon, social history of basketball in Ireland, brilliant book, you don’t need to be interested in basketball


Looking close to signing the paperwork.

My retirement nest egg is now a go :muscle:


I’d need my luck to improve on Tinder alright If I am to buy a house anytime soon :upside_down_face:

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Reading how country lads have moved into more built up areas so as their kids aren’t isolated/lonely. I was a townie and am now living in the sticks and am happy the kids won’t be getting up to the same stuff as I did. Lads I grew up with are the same. One drawback is not having family support nearby but having them nearby could easily be a drawback too.


You’ll be all right if a seller will accept payment in crypto, NFTs and IPTV subs :grinning:

I had a teacher in primary school,think it was 3rd class…he was big into gaa but our school was big into basketball…i remember for PE in the summer months he used to take us to the field for Gaelic football but lads would be asking him to play basketball in the yard instead …his reply was always “basketball is for blacks and fairies “ …imagine saying that to a class of kids now…


Alright lads, time to wrap up the Limerick discussion.


A buddy owns two apartments in Brooklyn as NFT’s :joy:

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Total madness, that.

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Depends what industry you are in and position. All the birds who are in at 9 and legging it at 4.55 or 5.25 will work from home. Those juggling childcare, normally run ragged, as long as they do their work no issues.

No one under 30 will want to work from home. Pints after work and the social life is important. Most over 55 wont want to work from home. They’ve no interest hanging around the house looking at the Mrs all day.

The wfh is the child wearing age, 35-50. School runs shared, be at home to help in the evening, less childcare costs. Not wrecked from juggling childcare and commute. It will be blended work and all work places will manage the process of change and it will be done easily. Future promotions will be on results and not on the lad who arrives in at 7am and is still in the office at 7.30pm waiting to be the last person to leave. That day is now gone. Those who can manage through blended work and get results will get promoted!

Places like EY and KPMG will struggle. Getting the likes of @Bandage in as a graduate and sitting on them, listening to their calls, explaining where they have fucked up, ‘mentoring’ them, they will find it hard. Other industries will be fine.

The secret of management is having a Garret Keenan. He’ll do the running around for you. He’ll be in the office. He’ll grab that file when you need it. He’ll keep an eye on the youngsters.

There is a lad in our place. Lives in town in an apartment with his bird so normally works in the office, He said he was working from home one week, I knew he wasnt doing a whole lot and something was up but no bother, lockdown isnt easy. I didnt ask what was up but I knew there must have been something, I let him be.

One of the Directors asked me on the Thursday did I know what he was doing cos his computer in the office was turned off for the last four days so he couldnt have logged on and been working remotely with his office pc off! Doing a project for me I replied. Oh thats alright…He did actually have something to do for me.

I told him to get in to the office that night, turn on his computer and finish the project for me the next day, there wasnt a whole lot to do. Project completed so by Monday all was good and he was back to normal.

He’s my Garret Keenan…


Did you bring him with you on your motorbike when you were headin off to ride a big fat wan?

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Yes and from behind cos her breath stank of onions


Did you dip your nose in the Cookie jar last night?

And that is very David Brent


sometimes I bring in my guitar but only on training days


I was thinking a bit more about TFK businessmen saying there’s diminishing returns to wfh and it’s increasingly become apparent that a return to the office is needed (cc @gilgamboa et al). Mentioning the inability to settle an issue at the water cooler or by door stepping someone for 5 minutes in the current climate and how practically everything requires a zoom call.

To these people, or should I say DINOSAURS: Get With The Times. You remind me of the DUP and Micheál Martin’s attitude to the United Ireland debate. Now is not the time for rolling out permanent wfh. There are things that aren’t ideal. We need to go back to the way things were.

Enough! Yes, things won’t be perfect but neither was working in a office. Learn to accept it and move on.

To the self important fuckers who don’t read any emails and go by the rule that if it’s important enough then someone will call into their office to discuss it…get reading those fucking emails and start responding to things that need responding to urgently.

To the fellas that want a little face to face chat about any decision…get used to quick over and backs on instant messager and giving the okay on that basis.

We will try to bring you pack of Arlenes with us but things are moving on without you either way. You’re not going to hold our futures to ransom because you want to exert control in an office, like you always did.

We want to move to Wexford and you won’t ruin it for us.


Try and win over Mrs @Bandage first before you start dictating terms to the rest of the workforce


She recently decided that we’re moving to Wexford.