With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Nobbys,sold the licence about 10 years ago I believe

They should throw in a few hurling walls. They should do that with all parks really. Keep the green machine ticking over.

I’ve only ever parked my cage at that park for a few minutes but it looks the right job alright. It’s a fair size of a spot.

The playground is top class in fairness. You would travel a long way for a better one.
I wonder what they’ll do with the college an awful waste of a building at the minute

They’ll need to reopen it with the amount of people they’re planning to parachute into Mungret over the next decade.

The original Meadowlawn house has a tiny kitchen . Today’s younger woman would wince .

Shanahan’s ???

@Julio_Geordio I always had the impression you were older but you confirmed in another thread you were in the early 30s bracket fair fooks to you and your missus buying a house on the SCR 4 years ago, I’m looking at the eldest here 23 about to go off teaching full time and I will use you as an example he’s a sizeable pot built up through working through college J1 etc if Julio can afford the leafy green suburbs so can you👍

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Meadowvale where I have relations is another story another late 70s development Windows there were full of particles from the cement factory there in the late 70s early 80s

Ah we were lucky mate. When I moved to Dublin rent was 500 for a room in D4. We got a one bed on lesson Street for 1100 a few years after. You wouldn’t get much change out of 2.5k for if now. Even at that we hadn’t much savings coming down here but it was probably a 100k cheaper to buy here then than now. Just timing and luck really.


Fair fooks all the same a great start to get on the ladder at a young age and gives ye good options down the line

Better be lucky than rich, better again to be both. I’m neither but surviving


Ya - a good friend lives there . There were built in mid to late seventies . They were fab at the time but probably not suited to modern tastes . They are structurally good though . The whiteness though …,

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Absolutely big job to keep the white facade outside structurally good houses though

Do they have to be white? The fuck is that about

I don’t know about “have to” but all are white I think

Should be a nice one going there soon in St Ita’s street Biff.

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Like most things in life.


No public Basketball court in Limerick city

They’re a magnet for vandalism and anti social behaviour in many places but it would be class to f they developed a few courts somewhere like Mungret, lock it up at night time and hope for the best,
As young fellas we’d cycle for miles to play on an outdoor court with nets (they never last long)
It’s a very popular game in the city

Basketball is massive in cork, what is the reason for popularity? We only really played it in school for PE as it was non contact etc