With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

There will be no Ulster plantation. It’s either Dublin or Wexford.

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Don’t be too hasty ruling out fingal as an option

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The proverbial window is closing

Anyone have a look at the proposed shared equity scheme that was published this week?

Seems like it would just be easier to extend the lending capacity by the banks to 4.5x…

Presumably that would impact banks’ risk profile?

Banning funds from buying anything and ring fencing a percentage of developments for first time buyers would strike me as obvious measures that would have a positive effect.

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Make it easier for people to actually buy houses. The hoops that a first time buyer needs to jump through make no sense. It takes months and months ever when everything is in order.

I would think helping people to buy houses they can’t afford will be unlikely to be helpful in the overall

They just need to build more fucking houses

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The builders are saying they can’t build "affordable " houses

Tradesmen jacking up prices are holding the country to ransom!

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Serious shortage of timber.

The Government can CPO land and don’t need to make a profit.

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Sure they trained absolutely no blocklayers or plasterers in the last 11 years,most of the lads that were at it got jobs in factories etc and won’t go back to it.Thats why lads can charge what they want now.Plus materials have gone through the roof.McMahons sent me an email yesterday, almost everything is gone up 10% and will continue to creep up.

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Building houses would be a great idea. In the meantime why not lock out investment funds that are pricing first time buyers out of the market? It would actually serve to moderate prices and increase supply for people looking to buy.

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It’s not that bad and it’s hardly the biggest problem with the market.

I agree 100%. There’s no need to make a big deal out of complicated legislation that can be appealed etc. Just make it a planning condition. All houses must be sold to individuals, and each individual can only buy one.

Or couples?

You need some places to be available to rent too so a mix is needed. But you could ban investment companies from buying to rent anything apart from developments they initiate and fund themselves. Seems a no brainer.

Do other countries intervene as much in property market?

I read a piece years ago that argued a lot of Ireland’s woes were as a result of a archaic and silly planning system that arbitrarily resulted in windfall gains on land depending on when development plans and areas were rolled out and covered. So a field is worth nothing today but once the roads and development plan reach it it’s worth a fortune. That’s been happening piece meal over decades and no thought given to an overall plan

I’ve walked around a lot during lockdown and it stuck me how anything built in last fifteen years fucked together developments are. Just apartments and houses and not a town centre or shops/restaurants or greens/playing fields. Multi unit developments and they look shabby ten years on as nobody wants to maintain them and not in charge of council.

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No. No couples allowed. This is a singles estate

It’s commendable you are trying to solve the housing crisis, having accumulated all that positive equity in SCR. Must be tempting to pull up the ladder.