With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Emilio butragueno would be renting all his life if they ban these funds.

No but it makes it far more attractive to sell to an investment fund than wait for someone who might actually want to live in the house.

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Ban investment funds from buying seems a simple solution.

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I think it should extend further than investment funds.

What if they are a first time investment fund trying to get into the property market?

Well certainly make it as simple and as easy for a private buyer as an investment fund

Give them millions of euro?

As someone who has been trying to buy a house for over a year now I would accept millions of euro.

I’d like to just not drown in red tape. I had to get a letter from my employer, a government department, to confirm they weren’t receiving a government subsidy to employ me

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Irish politicians are so reactionary its hilarious. They are flat to the mat now to stop this because it’s flavour of the month


I’m sure some TD will get his vaccine before he should have in the next few weeks, or something like that, and that’ll allow the entire circus to trundle on after the next shcandal.

They literally do not give a fuck except about the seat

Why is the minister for higher education commenting on it?

Harris? What’s that snivelling cunt saying? He was out batting for Enda Kenny when they were selling loans to Hedge Funds for 40c in the Euro when homeowners were made to repay 100c in the Euro. 60c profit to the Hedge Funds. How much tax do u want us to pay on that 60c Enda? You’re grand.

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why are they all only commenting on it now? This has been happening for years, and I guarantee there are multiple TDs who have investments or shares or pension funds as part of some of these companies who do this sort of investment. They are such a crowd of snivelling cowards who react to the latest media sensation rather than having original thoughts of their own and doing what should be done, not being reactionary.

I happened to be in a meeting yesterday with some real estate agents and this was brought up briefly, but the person who brought it up made a point that if the government outlaw this, then it might not be the best solution and being reactionary would not be wise in this instance. Now, there wasnt much more discussion on it so I’m not sure of the logic behind their reasoning that this isnt as bad as being made out, but maybe they are looking at it from a rental market and that if you dont allow investment, then it seriously curtails the rental market which is also as short as the supply for sale market. Some people dont want to buy, so not having a market for them is also not preferable.

I’m only assuming that point, but again its a load of TDs with their own self involvement to the forefront and not actually what is right with all this shite. A hedge fund company coming in a buying an entire estate is wrong though. There needs to be some restrictions or proper sale functions.

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Is the proposed land in use there for community needs or is this another case of people knowing there is a homeless crisis but don’t want it solved in their backyard.

Who’s going to build the houses and where are they going to build them so?

Or are the permanently outraged happy enough to rely on repeating ‘do better’ as some sort of solution




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