With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

What about MLMD when asked who’d build em,

The builders will be found.

And no follow up as to is that actually a real answer

Do better and further away

The solution is good quality spacious apartments. Like you see in every European city.

The suggestion seems to trigger an immediate response of ‘but ballymun…’ as if bricks and mortar magically generated social problems.

So how do you avoid social problems? As best you can you mix the residences private/affordable/social, however, people will only buy into that if they can be guaranteed peace and quiet and safety at home. Which they should be entitled to. So soundproof the apartments firstly and secondly enforce regulations. So if you break noise rules cause disturbances whatever you are either fined heavily or booted out of the apartment. That’s the only way they will work. So where do you put the tearaways? There will have to be some level of putting them somewhere away into estates etc and getting social services involved if necessary. You can’t expect people trying to live peacefully just to put up with it for the greater good.


You can’t underestimate how much of a wannabe snob Paddy is …I have friends from Brazil and Europe who find the whole Irish obsession with property and good areas really odd … they’d find it funny how quick Irish people are to designate a whole area (outside of theirs of course )a shit hole …whereas they’d come from places that would have neighbourhoods worse than
anything here -shootings ,drugs etc but they wouldn’t blanket the whole area as a shit hole… we’re all guilty of the snobbery …

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Is that a uniquely Irish thing? But there is an Irish obsession with nimbyism for sure. And with owning a postage stamp size piece of grass. But wanting quiet is a legitimate desire I think. I know many who wouldn’t buy an apartment as you are opening yourself up to music or screaming coming through the walls at all hours. Yet apartments are the only way out of the shortage.

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You send the tearaways to Athy.

Nimbyism is related to the point I made i.e don’t risk degrading my area, build it somewhere else …of course there is snobbery in different areas everywhere but we bring it to different level

Yeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssss :deciduous_tree::blossom::chipmunk::rabbit2::honeybee:

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O Dowd has given no indication he wishes to downsize …


Can we decentralise the poor? Build a council Town for 50k of them in the Midlands.


Twinned with Mordor.

It’s Ireland. If you booted people out you’d be the bad guy. Won’t happen.

People’s issues with social housing stem from that.

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They did that with inner city Dublin and Limerick, but they just didn’t move them far enough away

The AHBs are usually much quicker to deal with any shit carry on. And they are looking after more and more of the social housing stock which is not a coincidence. No one would ever come out and say why this is though.

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The local troublemakers in West Limerick upskilled when a few lads from Limerick City were relocated and showed them the ropes.

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Over 50% of rented council houses in Dublin inner city are in arrears, and you’re talking rents of a few hundred pm.

Exactly and there’s usually fuck all the councils can do about it. When they do you have the usual crowd causing uproar.

If you stop paying your rent contribution to an approved housing body or are acting the maggot they can and will fuck you out pronto.