With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank


PBP in power would solve the housing crisis. People would emigrate in their droves.


“Hard right” is used constantly to discredit.

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Yes and that’s fair enough. But also what point does he have to disclose in an article on the journal that he once was a member of X y or z party? You’ve lads on here want to hang a sign around his neck saying “caution: hard left”.

and which of the comrade suggestions have been implemented as policy?

That may well be so but the current housing crisis is entirely the result of policies followed by Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael. There’s no getting away from that.


State Intervention in the housing market could and most likely would make a bad situation worse.

There’s a simple solution to the housing issue but it’s not a short term or populist solution.

The problem with state intervention is its focussed on next election rather than where we want to be in ten years.

Exactly, it’s the old look over here Sinn Fein will ruin the country.


So it’s fair enough to disclose his background. You’re splitting hairs after that, people can make their own mind up about where on the spectrum he lands.

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The hard left are well represented in Dublin City council which has done bugger all for housing development. Most parties also voted to reduce property tax to further decrease the budget of the council

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It’s a product of a successful economy creating lots of jobs in urban areas which have been served by absolutely shit planning and no strategic development plans.

When you walk around new areas they are a disgrace - houses and apartments and no infrastructure or roads or schools or community amenities.

The development in Cherrywood will be interesting as it’s effectively a new town on a greenfield site and provision made for parks and play areas and schools and retail and transport.

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Are you saying you think that the article should have specified that he ran for office for PBP 13 years ago?

Is he going to notice it himself or will Fagan have to point it out to him I wonder?

I didn’t know DCC set the national housing policy

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That’s a fairly stupid reply to his post.

You might point out where I said they did

Leo knew.
Cherrywood is an example of a joined up plan

What provisio has been made for transport in cherrywood ? There’s going to be some amount pouring into the Luas

Active transport has been emphasised

European model so limited parking spaces.

You’re definitely splitting hairs now. Are you pretending he’s not a prominent campaigner for that perspective appearing on left-wing podcasts like Tortoise Shack etc? Childish angle.

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