With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Going to be some craic …

Be interesting to see it in practice. The parks look great

roadkill on the n11

Are you not a bit hemmed in there ?M50 one side ,industrial estate antother and luas line the third?

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I’ve never heard of tortoise shack. Should that be clarified on the article too? This line of conversation goes back to a post saying his political affiliation should be made clear on the article. Should the journal have noted that he appeared on a tortoise shack and ran for a election 13 years ago?

I’m wondering how far this obligation extends.

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I hope everyone buys into this active transport vibe …

This fairytale bubble is remarkable. You’re aware of his occupation and landmark European Court case but are blissfully ignorant of his politics and media output. Get up the yard :roll_eyes:

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I saw a lady today with a cargo bike - front of it was a girl maybe six and beside her a very young baby in a baby seat type thing. Over about 4km she kept ahead of me in light enough traffic along SCR out to Kilmainham.

She ran a red light or two to do that. There’s no margin for error with a baby in front of a cargo bike.

The gearing on those bikes is impressive (it didn’t look like an e-bike but not sure ) as she cycled it easily. Would that gearing be a thing cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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we have no alternative

no room for more cars -EVs are so cheap to run people will drive more
no time left for the planet


You’ve genuinely lost me. Here is the original point that I was responding to:

Do you agree with it? Should the journal have informed readers that he ran for election 13 years ago and that he was on a tortoise house?

You agreed it was fair to make reference to his politics. I’ve replied enough to this stupid nonsense.

I have absolutely no clue what you were trying to contribute in relation to the point being discussed.

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Which is…

Kill the poor and let the market solve it

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I’m expecting a much more sophisticated answer than that from him.

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I’d say you’re going to be disappointed.

Is this parody? The poster who’s standard response to any opinion he doesn’t like is ‘well he’s a nazi so best ignored and I’m refusing to engage’ is now upset when it’s applied to a leftie?

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A ten year strategic plan for housing and related infrastructure underpinned by a national strategic development authority that removes planning and development from county councilors and politicians and allows development to be planned, integrated and financed in an efficient and joined up rather than piecemeal way.

But there’s no votes in that.

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It sounds like a socialist even a communist solution.