With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

id be pretty slow

id take about 1.15 to do 20km commute

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Still more effective than being sitting in a car

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My life partner’s sister’s other half (got it?) is from Dundalk and I find the Dundalk accent amusing. That comes from someone with a Wexford town accent but anyway. I think it’s gas how they turn “der”/“ther” into “dah”. Me fadah couldn’t a been proudah when I booorst yah man with da shouldah. Or maybe that’s just how he talks. :thinking:


Some people have it thicker than others. It’s horrific.

I find the Wexford accent charming. Reminds me of many happy summer holidays down there.

I got a right chuckle of that bud,fair play.

Fair fucks mate you’ve a positive attitude to life I’d wager. Outside of the two big town’s Louth strikes me as a grand county, coastal, close to the north. anyone I’ve met or worked with from there has been sound out. Id say once you avoid the kips is it’s the finest and you know where they are now. Only thing is you’re a long way from good club hurling.


Louth is a grand county . Cooley is lovely and Dundalk is overall a decent town . A nice coast too . The towns like Ardee , Dunleer are grand .

Drogheda is fair rough based on all reports .



There’s some accent there.


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I’m reading that in a pure southies Ben Affleck Boston accent


Wuxi Biologics starting to take off. Plant under construction and key staff are being hired, assume they will be in pilot production later this year which should be a nice boon for Dundalk.

Some lad in the Irish times today defending investment funds. Without being an expert in the area I’d say it’s mostly a load of shite and you could take apart most of his points quite easily.

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season 5 episode 20 GIF

Are you a cawp?
Are you a fucking cawp?

That’s Bill Nowlan whose son Kevin Nowlan is the head of Hibernia REIT.

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Yeah, thought they were supposed to start last year but I’d say the pandemic put paid to that. Bringing a lot of workers in. There was talk that the company were going to rent every available house in town to house their workers but I think that was estate agents trying to up the price.

He led the campaign for introduction of reits in the first place he says, so in fairness his biases are front and centre (cc @tallback).


What is the end game here ??? . Is the real solution to tax the living shit of landlords both corporate & individual ??

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The tax changes have forced a lot of individual landlords out of the market.

You need rental properties available and a corporate owning an entire block may make that a nicer and better run place.

Yes it is. And to turn off the tap of money going straight from the state to landlords. It’s a crazy policy and will take some amount of time to straighten out but it surely boosts rents everywhere and the state gets little or nothing out of it long term.


Maybe incentivize building houses rather than buying already built ones?